Do the “I’s” Have it for Integrating Technology and Core Subject Areas? Reasons we should integrate Lisa J. Burnham, fifth grade teacher Loretta Martin, Technology Specialist From Capital School District
What is iEARN? Organization Mission
How Do You Get Involved in an iEARN Project? First you visit the website: iEarn Website Type in web address and click on it. The browser will open And you show the site
How Do You Integrate and Meet Curriculum Obligations? Consider standards that blend Choose project that is flexible Be Creative- after school club
What Level of Technology User Should You Be? Comfortable Or Beginner who collaborates with building technology specialist
The iEARN Project I Chose! International Teddy Bear Exchange Reasons for choosing project
How Does This Project Fit The Standards? ELA- Social Studies- Technology-
How Did My Students Participate ? Created artifact box for pen pals Researched country of Pakistan Wrote pen pal letters considering audience and word choice Asked pen pals interview questions
What Technology Knowledge Did Students Apply? Word Processing Internet Research Digital Photography Power Point Interactive Forum Posting
Student PowerPoint At this point you open student PowerPoint and show their work.
What Are Some Issues You May Encounter During the Project? Time and management challenges Technology flukes School calendar differences
How Did the Students Respond to the Integrated Project? EXCITED! Unexpected challenges? Variety of interest levels Surprises
How Does an iEARN Project Fit into LOTI? Natural opportunity to integrate Initiates high level thinking skills Takes it up a notch
How I Evaluated My Students Rubrics Venn diagram Reflective responses Observation of application
What I Would Do the Next Time I Participate in an iEARN Project! Pre - planning with exchange partner Advanced equipment sign out Earlier start time After school club
Well, Do the “I’s” Have it for Integration of Technology and Core Subjects? How do you vote? Questions Contact Or