Looking Back - Review What is required for nation to industrialize? 1 – Factors of Production (land, labor, entrepreneurs) 2 – Political Stability 3 – Transportation network 4 – Trading Markets What is the incentive for a nation to industrialize? 1 – WEALTH 2- Power & Nationalism 3 – Spreading of culture
Industrial Revolution CAUSES: Agricultural Revolution Increased demand for goods New inventions DEFINITION: Age of increased output of machine-made goods WHERE: England Then around Europe United States (Beginning in New England)
WHO: England Italy France Germany USA Portugal Belgium IMPERIALISM DEFINITION: Empire building by colonization - dominating another nation politically, economically, socially CAUSES: Ambition Industrial Revolution Nationalism WHO: England Italy France Germany USA Portugal Belgium
IMPERIALISM –Why INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Nations did not have enough resources in their own countries Industrial nations made so much extra stuff they needed new markets to sell in Becomes a global competition for colonies There was also heated rivalries between countries
IMPERIALISM –Why NATIONALISM More colonies = more power! Extreme sense of pride in own country led people to want to colonize i.e. - doing people a “favor” by making them more British
IMPERIALISM – Main Idea Technological superiority allowed Europe to dominate non-developed areas and establish global empires
IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA By 1914 African continent almost entirely controlled by European imperial powers Took control of economy, society, government of the conquered peoples How?
WHITE MAN’S BURDEN Westerners viewed anyone with different cultures/religion as “uncivilized/backward” Felt it was their duty to bring “civilization” to these “backwards” people Used to justify colonization Mission – spread Christianity and western culture
African Interior – 1st Explorers Christian missionaries were the first Europeans to “explore” the interior of Africa Belgium sent representatives to negotiate contracts with African tribal chiefs Contracts were in English Those who refused were shot Chiefs forced to give up their land
African Lands become colonies The Berlin Conference in 1884-85 Used to prevent fighting b/w countries Each nation claimed lands by notifying other nations of their claims and showing they could control the area. No African rulers were present Everybody thought European goods would be sold in mass quantities WRONG!! Had to establish cash crops for resources and use of mineral resources Belgian Congo with copper and tin
African Resistance Tried different types of resistance Ally with Europeans to defeat rivals and stay independent FAILED, b/c Europeans would turn on African allies Fight the Europeans head-on FAILED (with exception of Ethiopia) Unsuccessful movements The Maji-Maji movement against Germany Spiritual defense of magic water (maji-maji) sprinkled on their bodies would turn the Germans’ bullets to water. Mowed down by the thousands (Over 26,000).
Ethiopia Survives Due to one man – Menelik II Successfully played Italians, French, and British against each other Built up arsenal thanks to France and Russia About to sign with Italy – sees differences b/w the wording in Italian and Amharic Thought he was only giving a piece of Ethiopia, but in Italian it said they were getting ALL of Ethiopia Menelik declares WAR!!! battle of Adowa a resounding victory for Ethiopians and they stay independent!!
Egypt tries Reform Muhammad Ali takes over Egypt and breaks away from the Ottomans New reforms of growing cotton not food crops to keep in favor with European powers Isma’il, Ali’s grandson, supported the construction of the Suez Canal Egypt could not pay back European bankers its $450 million debt Britain insisted on overseeing financial control and occupied Egypt in 1882 The Suez Canal became known as the “Lifeline of the Empire” because it allowed the British to have quicker access to Africa and Asia
EFFECTS ON AFRICA Created problems between African tribes Forced ethnic groups who would not normally live together into same nation Destroyed African culture Introduced segregation based on color Africa has yet to recover Still plagued with instability, violence, etc.