ESOL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SLPS ESOL PD Timeline: (P) 314-664-1066 ESOL CONTACT US: 576 participants attended SLPS ESOL PD 1,074 participants attended SLPS ESOL PD What is your professional development goal for the 2016-17 school year? 2014/ 2015 To change this brochure, replace our sample content with your own. Or, if you'd rather start from a clean slate, press the New Slide button on the Home tab to insert a new page. Now enter your text and pictures in the empty placeholders. If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, copy any of the existing placeholders, then drag the new one into place. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, select and delete them before you print. 2015/ 2016 2016/2017 1530 S. GRAND AVE. Saint Louis, MO 63104 SLPS ESOL PROGRAM 2016-2017
Possible PD Formats: ESOL PD On-Demand PD Sessions for ESOL Teachers: ESOL PROGRAM PD INITIATIVES Sheltered Instructional Protocol Observational Protocol ( SIOP) - 2 Year Cohort DISTRICT PD INITIATIVES FOR ELLs SIOP SIOP PD and Coaching for the mainstream and ESOL teachers (1 Year Cohort ) SIOP for administrators This PD opportunity allows participants to learn how to implement the SIOP framework that integrates language and content instruction. This framework provides the language development needed by students learning content through a new language. “SIOP has bridged an enormous gap for me as an educator. It has opened my eyes to the needs of all my students, and has given me the tools I need to truly differentiate and scaffold my instruction. All of my students, not just my English language learners, have noticeably and positively responded to the changes I’ve made. Our entire staff is embracing the mindset and skills taught in SIOP.” Tracy Jane Weidel, ELA Teacher at Busch Middle School Co-Teaching for ELLs Co-Teaching and Collaboration for teams of mainstream and ESOL teachers (1Year Cohort) Co-teaching look- fors for administrators This PD opportunity allows mainstream and ESOL teachers to learn the theory and apply the knowledge regarding collaboration and co-teaching in general education classes to target English language learners’ needs in content areas. “We wholeheartedly support the co-teaching model. As the enrollment number of ESOL students continues to increase at our school, co-teaching allows us to serve a larger number of students than pull-out, without the stigma of pull-out and without students missing content.” Ruth Juhlin, ESOL Teacher &Abigail Cook ELA teacher (SIOP)at Busch Middle School PD Sessions for ESOL Teachers: Multicultural Insights for the Classroom Refugee & Immigrant Students in SLPS Use of Interpreters Introduction to Cultures in the SLPS Languages and Cultures of SLPS ELLs Instruction and Assessment Data Driven Instruction & Decision Making for ELLs Scaffolding Instruction for ELLs Through Sentence Stems Effective Academic Instruction to Support ELLs in Content Areas (5 workshops) Note- taking for ELLs From Books to Classrooms (book study) Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners : A Guide for K-12 Teachers by Fairbairn & Jones-Vo Building Academic Language: Meeting Common Core Standards Across Disciplines by J. Zwiers Preventing Long-term ELs by Calderon, M. & Minaya-Rowe, L. New ESOL Teacher Orientation Implementing Content and Language Objectives Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for ELLs Technology for ESOL Specialists Addressing the Needs of Long Term ELLs Instruction W-APT Administration ACCESS 2.0 Administration ACCESS 2.0 Score Interpretation Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Building Student Portfolios for ELLs Assessment Possible PD Formats: Before or After School PLCs/Data Teams District PD Days