ETSI Standardization Activities on M2M communications Document No: GSC16-PLEN-13 Source: ETSI Contact: Joachim Koss GSC Session: PLENARY Agenda Item: 6.9 ETSI Standardization Activities on M2M communications Joachim Koss, ETSI Board Member
Highlight of Current Activities (1) ETSI is developing standards to support an M2M architecture and a set of capabilities for M2M services promoting innovation across the industry by providing an end-to-end generic vision of the M2M communications and services The multiple vertical applications will be easily deployed in a general framework, allowing development of services independently of the underlying network
Highlight of Current Activities (2) European Commission Mandates on Smart Metering (M/441) Smart Grid (M/490) Charging of Electrical Vehicles (M/468) Multi Vendor interoperability DEMO based on Release 1 set of specifications TC M2M is leading TC, co-ordinates all ETSI TCs, which contribute
ETSI TC M2M (1) specifies the interconnection fabric: capillary technologies provide device-M2M network communications has active delegates from Europe, North America, China, Korea, and Japan and currently about 30% Operators, 60% Manufacturers and 10% others has initiated active liaisons and cooperation with many other SDOs and consortia (e.g. TIA, OMA, BBF) and in particular has close relationship to 3GPP processes an open approach: published and draft TR/TS are available on the public side of the ETSI server
ETSI TC M2M (2) Working Groups Use Cases & Requirements Architecture & Network Interworking Protocols & Interfaces Security Aspects Management Aspects Release 1 set of specifications will be approved in 11/2011
ETSI TC M2M (3) 8 plenary meetings per year plus numerous ad-hoc meetings several conference calls per week constantly increasing the number of documents per meeting (250 +) constantly increasing plenary participation (70 +) growing membership in M2M email list (395+)
ETSI TC ERM TG28 has specific work items in support of additional spectrum designations for key M2M market segments: Short Range Device standards essential for efficient capillary network deployment Work items for wireless smart metering/smart grid systems
Strategic Direction Identify gaps where existing standards do not fulfil the requirements Avoid overlapping of standardization Involve representatives across vertical market solutions and industry segments
Challenges Multitude of technical solutions and dispersed standardization activities result in the slow development of the global M2M market, consolidation required End-to-end view for a globally interoperable framework to facilitate Machine-to-Machine (M2M) business, flexible for enhancements Timely availability, M2M solution fragmentation and dispersing standardization is permanently proceeding Way to engage representatives of vertical ICT and non ICT market/industry segments (convince by benefits, collect and include their specific needs/requirements) Create global applicable standards also meeting the specific regional and vertical segment needs (e.g. by adaptations)
Next Steps / Actions Attract further liaisons and co-operations Involve more M2M stakeholders ETSI TC M2M will open Release 2 set of specifications in its October meeting
Proposed Resolution (changes) Modifications proposed to existing Resolution GSC-15/30 Machine to Machine Editorial update to current meeting data Adaptation of text concerning M2M Standardization Task Force (MSTF) since it is already established Further content enhancements see separate document
Supplementary Slides
ETSI TC M2M - Specifications Work
TC M2M – High Level Architecture M2M Device and Gateway Domain M2M Network Domain M2M Device M2M Gateway WIDE AREA NETWORK M2M Application Server #1 App. Client (Device) App. Client (Gateway) WIRELESS M2M AREA NETWORK M2M Service Capabilities Layer (SCL) dIa dIa M2M SCL mId M2M Application Server #2 MOBILE mIa Proprietary Interface M2M Device Proprietary M2M Device FIXED App. Client (Device) dIa M2M Application Server #n M2M SCL .. OTHER mId
ETSI M2M - Major industry events October 2010 : 1st ETSI M2M Workshop. Sophia Antipolis. More than 220 participants, Collected output fed into ETSI M2M requirements. April 2011 : 1st ETSI Smart Grid Workshop. Sophia Antipolis. More than 280 participants, Examining the architecture for Smart Grids, Presentations from EU (Commission), US (NIST), China (State Grid) and Japan . 26 – 27 Oct 2011 : 2nd ETSI M2M Workshop. Sophia Antipolis. Presenting the M2M Release 1 package, Examining future requirements of M2M standardization, Feedback from early implementations of M2M solutions, Multi Vendor interoperability DEMO. Information on events
TC M2M – Links and Collaborations