Should studying foreign languages be mandatory?
Value Line Should studying a foreign language in school be mandatory? Stand by the door if you very strongly think it should Stand by the window if you very strongly think it should not Stand along the line in the middle if your feelings are not as strong or you don’t know
Superbowl 2014: Make a t-chart on your paper for things you notice in the commercial IMAGES WORDS
Superbowl 2014: What do you think about this commercial?
Allen B. West What are you thinking now? Using a transition, add a detail from the text and add on to your freewrite.
FreakOutNation “They say, I say” Using a detail from the video, respond by explaining what you are thinking.
Final Thoughts I used to think… But then (this happened), … And now…
Day 2 Computer Lab Day
Day 3
The Rationalist Conspiracy “Foreign Languages Are a Waste of Time” While reading this article, code in the following way: - Squares with your thinking ! - Important ? - Question + - A new piece of information
The Rationalist Conspiracy Choose a line from the text and add to your thinking. Use a post-it note to mark the quote, leave it blank.
The Rationalist Conspiracy Share your argument with a partner, this time add the quote to extend your thinking.
Language Brochure “Why Learn a Foreign Language?” While reading this article, code in the following way: - Squares with your thinking ! - Important ? - Question + - A new piece of information
Language Brochure Add another layer to your thinking. Cite something and reply to it with your own thoughts.
Debate Format Rubric Be organized Be focused Work together Know what I am looking for USE FACTS
Paper Polish freewrites into a paper Conventions No, seriously… do it Grammar and word usage count!!!!!!!! Do NOT say “I” Use appropriate and formal language and tone Cite sources and facts
Debate Pro: 6 Minute Position Presentation What you believe and why Con: 6 Minute Position Presentation 5 Minute Work Period Prepare responses to other side’s position Decide who will say what and when
Debate Pro: 4 Minute Rebuttal Con: 4 Minute Rebuttal Respond to con’s position Con: 4 Minute Rebuttal Respond to pro’s position 3 Minute Work Period Prepare response to other side’s rebuttal Decide who will say what and when
Debate Pro: 2 Minute Response Con: 2 Minute Response Respond to rebuttal Con: 2 Minute Response 1 Minute Work Period Prepare closing statements Decide who will say what and when
Debate Pro: 2 Minute Closing Statement Con: 2 Minute Closing Statement Conclude/summarize your argument Con: 2 Minute Closing Statement Judges tally up votes!
Articles Used Allen B. West article Rationalist Conspiracy Rationalist Conspiracy Language Brochure