School Guidance and Adjustment Counseling CAGS Program Clinical Experience 604A & 604B
*******License is awarded by DESE********* Clinical Experience 604A & 604B Upon completion of all coursework , candidates for a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) and Professional licensure in School Guidance and School Adjustment Counseling must participate in a 700 hour, six (6) credit college-supervised clinical experience. With the successful completion of the clinical experience, students will have earned the sixty (60) graduate credits required for a CAGS and will have met the educational requirements for professional licensure. *******License is awarded by DESE*********
Course Description: The purpose of the clinical experience is to provide a culminating experience for the student under the direct mentorship of a professionally licensed school guidance counselor /school adjustment counselor with assistance from a college advisor. The student is provided an opportunity to develop and to apply skills gained from course work to actual practice as a school counselor. The advisor and mentor help the student to develop appropriate goals, to effectively use interpersonal skills, counseling skills, and consultation skills, and to determine areas to be further developed. The student is expected to take significant responsibility in developing independence in the application of skills, and must demonstrate competence by meeting performance goals. At least one-half of the clinical experience must be completed in a school setting. Since the student must qualify for an initial license before beginning the clinical experience, this experience may be done on the job and is necessary for the professional license. PREREQUISITE(S): Permission of the Program Director
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 700 hour internship under the direct supervision of a professionally licensed school adjustment counselor /guidance counselor* Journal Action Based Research Project Midterm and Final Evaluations Seminar
Journal Guidelines Cover sheet Introduction Daily log Artifacts Journals are a highly personal way of reflecting on your practicum and clinical experience. The purpose of the journal is to provide a documented time log as well as serving as a functional way to record thoughts, questions, and concerns. Students are to use the following guidelines to complete their journals. Journal is to be type written and organized in the following fashion: (* see syllabus for detailed explanation of each section) Cover sheet Introduction Daily log Artifacts Summary/Conclusions
Action Based Research Project The purpose of this project is to help you determine outcome based interventions that develop from empirical evidence in educational settings. The research project can be completed within your internship setting. The study is to be typewritten using APA publication style and organized in the following order: Complete a review of the literature on the chosen topic. Describe the program or procedure you have selected. Select a research design appropriate to your study. Conduct the study and record data. Summarize the results of the study. (*see syllabus for detailed explanation of each section)
Midterm and Final Evaluations The evaluations are to be completed by the site mentor, midway and at the end of the clinical experience, in order to assess points of strength and weakness in the student’s performance.
All required forms and relevant information will be made available in the XCP area of the First Class website.