Availability of Financial Data during the month Note: This is meant to display approximate timelines. Timing may vary from month to month. 1st Business Day of following month 3rd Business Day of following month 5th Business Day of following month 1st Calendar Day Last Calendar Day 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th GRA Pay & Salary Commitment Adjustments Telecom Bi-weekly & Casual Pay (every 2 weeks) Payroll Calendars Bi-weekly & Casual Pay (every 2 weeks) Payroll Calendars Bi-weekly & Casual Pay (every 2 weeks) Payroll Calendars PCard MonthEnd Close Numbers are Final Monthly Pay Payroll Calendars Travel Advance & Subject Payment Commitments Adjustments Monthly & Bi-weekly Salary & Benefit Commitment Adjustments Research Overhead Expense, Revenue & Commitments Accounts Payable Transactions, Journal Entries, Postal, Printing & Courier Expenses, Student Payments, Deposits (Transactions can be posted at various times throughout the month)
Availability of Financial Data during the month Note: This is meant to display approximate timelines. Timing may vary from month to month. Link to Payroll Calendars