CEWP launched in March 2012 High-level political declaration agreed at 4th Annual Meeting, signed by 11 countries
Objective and principles Objective: To promote co-operation on Governance, Business and Research Principles: Mutual Benefit and Contribution; Based on Openness, Involvement and Sharing Important Detail: CEWP is a platform for co-operation, NOT a funding mechanism An opportunity for those who contribute: strong networks, context and access to high-level meetings
High-Level Declaration at 4th Annual Meeting
Horizontal Activities Program
Focus Areas PI Consortia overview Rural Water: DK-FIN-ESP Urban Water: NL-DK-FIN-SWE Water and Energy: SWE-AUS-ITA River Basins: FRA-POR-FIN Horizontal Activities: DK-FIN-POR-SWE
Workshop on Groundwater Policy Supported by EU TAIEF
Who can participate? How? In principle, everybody who wants to contribute to the objectives of CEWP, can take part Taking part means either organizing an event (and find the funding), take actively part in an event or as audience Those who ”invests” increases the perspective reg the outcome; seeds for scaling up: for Europeans e.g. to approach Horizon 2020
Annual Meeting Turku, Finland 19th-21st September, 2017 EIP Water Conference Part of Porto Innovation Water Week Portugal, 24th Sept.-Oct. 1th, 2017
CEWP website News, resources and events New feature, tagging of colead-specific pages Guidance document for businesses: 2-page ”How to” Knowledge Center, incl RBMP doc’s www.cewp.org
Contacts EU Secretariat: Henrik Dissing Danish Water & Nature Management Agency Haraldsgade 53 DK 2100 København Ø Phone: +45 41 78 20 30 Mail: hedis@nst.dk Web: www.cewp.org Chinese Secretariat Hao Zhao Ministry of Water Resources 2 Lane 2, Baiguang Road Beijing CN-100053 Phone: +86 (10) 6320 2387 Mail: hao_zhao@mwr.gov.cn Web: www.euchinarivers.org End page 12