Higher twist effects in polarized experiments Nilanga Liyanage University of Virginia (Presented by J. P. Chen) Introduction Precision g2n measurements at x ~ 0.2: E97-103 A1n, A2n and d2n results at high x: E99-117 d2n and HT from moments-f2: GDH experiments A2n in the resonance regions: Duality for A2?: E01-012
Quark-Gluon Correlations In simple partonic picture g2(x)=0 Wandzura and Wilczek have shown that g2 can be written in two parts: twist-2 contributions given by g1 the other originating from quark-gluon correlations (twist-3)
A Search for Higher Twist Effects Jefferson Lab Hall A Experiment E97-103 Precision Measurement of the Neutron Spin Structure Function g2n(x,Q2): A Search for Higher Twist Effects T. Averett, W. Korsch (spokespersons) K. Kramer (Ph.D. student) Precision g2n, 0.57 < Q2 < 1.34 GeV2, W > 2 GeV, at x ~ 0.2. Direct comparison to twist-2 g2ww prediction using world g1n data. Quantitative measurement of higher twist effects provides information on nucleon structure beyond simple parton model (e.g. quark-gluon correlations).
Jefferson Lab Hall A Experimental Setup for inclusive polarized n (3He) Experiments
Hall A polarized 3He target Both longitudinal and transverse
E97-103 Results: g2n vs. x Improved precision of g2n by an order of magnitude Just submitted to nucl-ex 0506005, K. Kramer et al.
E97-103 results: g2n vs. Q2 Measured g2n consistently higher than g2ww
E97-103 results: g1n Agree with NLO fit to world data, evolved to our Q2
Precision DIS A1n data at high x ; JLab E99-117 Precision Measurement of A1n at Large x Spokespersons: J. P. Chen, Z. -E. Meziani, P. Souder, PhD Student: X. Zheng Precision DIS A1n data at high x ; 2.7GeV2 < Q2 < 4.8 GeV2, W > 2 GeV Significant improvement in HT extract from g1n (Stamenov’s talk) A2n at high x as a by-product - Improved d2n by a factor of 2
E99-117 A1n Results Precision A1n at high x Comparison calculations SU(6) symmetry Valence quark models pQCD (with HHC) predictions Other models: Statistical model, Chiral Soliton model, PDF fits, … Crucial input for pQCD fit to PDF Crucial input for HT extraction PRL 92, 012004 (2004)
A2n results from E99-117 Precision better than the world best results Also g1n and g2n results Improved d2n precision by a factor of 2: d2n=0.0062 ± 0.0028 Can be directly compared with LQCD PRC 70, 065207 (2004)
Precision g1n and g2n results from E99-117
Second Moment: d2n E94-010 (low Q2) (Meziani’s talk) E99-117+SLAC (high Q2) Twist-3 matrix element Color polarizabilities ChPT (low Q2) and MAID model; Lattice QCD (high Q2)
HT Extraction and Color Polarizabilities: neutron JLab + world n data, HT effects extracted: m4 = (0.019+-0.024)M2 m6 = (-0.019+-0.017)M2 Twist-4 term m4 = M2/9 (a2+4d2+4f2) SLAC E155x: d2=0.0079(48) +E99-117: d2=0.0062(28) f2 = 0.034+-0.043 (total) f2 = 0.033+-0.005 (stat.) Color polarizabilities cE = 0.033+-0.029 cB = -0.001+-0.016
HT extraction for proton World data + f2=0.039+0.037 µ6/M4=0.011+ 0.017 -0.043 EG1a data: R. Fatemi et al., PRL, 91 222002 (2003) - 0.013 Osipenko et al. Phys. Lett. B 609, 258 (2005)
HT extraction with Bjorken Sum eg1a + E94-010 data A. Deur et al. PRL 93, 212001 (2004) f2=-0.18±0.10 µ4/M2=-0.06±0.02 µ6/M4=0.09±0.03
Jefferson Lab E01-012 Measurement of neutron (3He) spin structure functions in the resonance region Spokespersons: N. Liyanage, J. P. Chen, S. Choi; PhD student: P. Solvignon Measured g1n, A1n, g2n, A2n in the resonance region for 1.0 < Q2 < 4.0 GeV2 Patricia Solvignon’s talk at this workshop
Duality in A2 ? Comparison of A23He in the resonance region from E01-012 with DIS results. A more strict DIS-Resonance comparison possible with JLab at 12 GeV
g23He in the resonance region from E01-012
JLab precision spin structure data for g2n and A1n, A2n Summary JLab precision spin structure data for g2n and A1n, A2n High precision DIS g2n measurement at low Q2: E97-103 Clear deviation from the twist-2 contribution Hints for quark-gluon correlations ? High precision DIS A1n and A2n measurement at high x: E99-117 Best available DIS measurement at high x Input for HT extract from g1n Improved d2n precision by a factor of 2 Precision moments at low Q2: GDH experiments d2n and HT extraction: Twist-4, f2 Resonance region A2n and g2n measurement at high x: E01-012 Duality for A2/g2 ?