Section 18.3: Special Right Triangles
Objective: By following instructions, students will be able to: learn about the side lengths and the trigonometric ratios in special right triangles.
explain 1A Find the unknown side lengths in triangle ABC.
explain 1B Find the unknown side lengths in triangle DEF.
Your-Turn #1 Find the unknown side lengths in each right triangle. a) b)
explain 2A Find the unknown side lengths and trigonometric ratios for the angles.
explain 2B Find the unknown side lengths and trigonometric ratios for the angles.
Your-Turn #2 Find the unknown side lengths and trigonometric ratios for the 45 degree angles.
Pythagorean Triples 3, 4, 5 5, 12, 13 7, 24, 25 8, 15, 17
explain 3A Use the Pythagorean triples to find side lengths in right triangles..
explain 3B Use the Pythagorean triples to find side lengths in right triangles..
Revisit Objective: Did we… learn about the side lengths and the trigonometric ratios in special right triangles?
HW: Sec 18.3 page 741 #s 1-17 ODD, 22