Advisory Bring canned goods through this Friday (12-15-17) to donate Have planners out for grade checks
Warm-Up Get planners out to update
Planner – Due Dates Tuesday, Dec. 19th: Christmas Carol Project Due Friday, Dec. 15th: Research Guide/Works Cited Page Handouts Completion Check This Week’s In-Class Research Days: Monday 12/11, Tuesday 12/12 *After Tuesday, the rest of the project will be completed at home.* Pd. 6: Expository Essay Revisions: due Friday, Dec. 15th (Turn in original essay along with revised essay, written on STAAR response paper.)
MLA Style Citations December 2017
MLA Formatting & Style Guide MLA (Modern Language Association) style: used to write papers and cite sources within liberal arts & humanities.
Works Cited Page In a paper that’s written using MLA style, a Works Cited page is included at the end. It’s a list of all the sources you referenced in your paper, in alphabetical order of the author’s last name.
Works Cited Page: What to Include for Each Source For this project, you are required to find two online sources. In MLA style, online articles are documented in the Works Cited page with Author Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Website Title. Publisher, Date Published, URL. Date Accessed by You. Example (notice format of dates): Lundman, Susan. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow, 25 Sept. 2014, www.ehow/how_10727_make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 10 Nov. 2017.
Project For your project, you must include a Works Cited page, which you will include on your poster. It may be typed or neatly handwritten. Today as you research, you’ll continue to record information about the sources you find. Then you’ll take that information and create MLA citations that you can use in your Works Cited page.