The Writing Page Entering Text
Entering Text: Low Tech Options Stamps Labeler Magnetic letters / words Dictate to peer / adult writer Digital Voice Recorder MP3 Player LiveScribe Pen ***task analysis of cognitive vs motor expectations DEMO: Portable digital recorder(Nicole) Speech Recog(Nicole) Clicker (Nicole) Labeler (Nicole) Port. Word Processor (Angie-Neo, Dana, Fusion) Powerpoint (Nicole demo) Livescribe Pen (Angie demo) Nicole discuss
High Tech Options: Simple Text Entry : Word Processor Web based word processor Portable word processor Writing with supports: forms / fill in blank / drop down text to speech symbol based writing –bmaker agenda word prediction Simple Text Entry : Word Processor - standard WP - Microsoft office with access features - use of universal access features - sticky keys / replace / Web based word processor - google docs Portable word processor - alphasmart / fusion Writing with supports: forms / fill in blank / drop down word prediction - free / Co:Writer (Show jing video) text to speech - free / WriteOutLoud symbol based writing- Pix Writer
High Tech Options On-screen keyboard Microsoft built in Alternative Keyboard Entry: On-screen keyboard Microsoft built in Click 'n Type (free download) Voice Recognition Scanning options paired with symbol based /text program Alternative Keyboard Entry: On-screen keyboard - microsoft on screen option / cost options Show onscreen keyboard and/or click n type website Voice Recognition - free - naturally speaking Scanning options - Intellitools, Clicker
Google Documents Web based access - free - no other software needed Multiple student access - can work on document at same time Access from home and school