April Barnes & Ashley Lee ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2011 Grade Level 5th Specific form of writing: Limerick
Ashley Lee Stage of writing: Prewriting ELA5W4The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. PLO: Students will use the writing process to plan and draft a limerick.
Form of Writing What is a limerick? silly poem with 5 lines Funny Does not make sense Lines 1,2, and 5 rhyme with 3 beats Lines 3 & 4 rhyme with 2 beats
Prewriting/ Drafting Stage of writing: Choose a topic Brainstorm words rhyming words Fill in graphic organizer Focus on beats
Graphic Organizer
Published Model There once was a clover named Kate, Who sat on the edge of a plate, The fancy folk dined, On foods of all kind, Then tossed her at quarter past eight.
Reference Limerick poetry. (1998). Retrieved from http://www.dltk-holidays.com/patrick/m-limerick.htm
Prewriting/ Drafting Practice Groups of 2 Prewrite and draft limerick on Graphic Organizer
Prewriting/ Drafting Assessment Individually make your own Limerick
Editing/Revising April Barnes ELA5W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student b. Revises manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidating, clarifying, and rearranging words and sentences. c. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc. PLO: Students will revise and edit a limerick.
Editing/ Revising Form of Writing Limerick 3 beats in lines 1,2, & 5 2 beats in lines 3 & 4 Lines 1, 2, & 5 rhyme Lines 3 & 4 rhyme
Editing/ Revising Stage of Writing Focus on: spelling mechanics rhyming beats
Published Model The Teacher Written By: Stephen Gallagher There is a teacher from Leeds Who swallowed a packet of seeds And in less than an hour Her nose was a flower And her hair was a bundle of weeds
Reference Gallagher, S. (2009). Funny poets: The Teacher. Retrieved from http://www.funnypoets.com/poetry/theteacherfromleeds.htm
Editing/ Revising Practice Groups of 2 Edit and revise limerick Focus on beats rhyme mechanics
Editing/ Revising Assessment Individually edit & revise your limerick Focus on beats rhyme mechanics