Unit title: 假期 – Holiday Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Environment The different environments of different countries are in some way responsible for the way the residents of that country conduct their daily lives. The physical environment that you live in can affect the way you live your life. People from different countries spend holiday time in different ways. MYP unit question How does the climate of the country you live in affect your lifestyle?
Languages LO: Talk about the different languages people can speak
huì 会 to be able to
shuō 说 speak
yǔ 语 language
fǎ yǔ 法语 French
xī bān yá yǔ 西班牙语 Spanish
zhōng wén 中文 Chinese
hàn yǔ 汉语 Chinese
nǐ huì shuō fá yǔ mɑ 你会说法语吗 Can you speak French?
nǐ huì shuō hàn yǔ mɑ 你会说汉语吗 Can you speak Chinese?
Complete ex. 2 and 3 from the workbook. Write out the new characters and make a note of how to form the language i.e. take off 国。 会 说 语 huì shuō yǔ to be able to to speak language Complete ex. 2 and 3 from the workbook.