Welcome to science Today’s goal: I can explain why one of my earthquake proof structures performed better then the others Entry task – Which of your earthquake structures did the best? Why? Agenda Review lab results Post lab check list/ ah ha Hand back quizzes
Fist to 5 instructions Draw an oversized hand on pg. 23. In each finger put one main idea from the lessons so far Magnitude Intensity Earthquake proof structure Engineering process Geologic process Use several bullet points to explain each main idea Create a color picture example for each main idea
Aha Connection This is an essential component to your growth and learning. 1. Claim: A statement that answers the original question, or problem. - Sums up the important point learned from the inquiry - The hypothesis as a statement (if correct) - One sentence BE CONCISE! 2. Evidence: Scientific data that supports the claim. - The data needs to be appropriate and sufficient. - Quantitative and qualitative data 3. Reasoning: A justification that connects the claim and the evidence. - Should describe the scientific principles (Look in your ISN or textbook)
Investigative Question/ Objective: Design, modify and evaluate an earthquake resistant structure following the Engineering Design Process Evidence Of the three structures tested, design plan ___ earned the highest rubric score of _________ . This structure was ____cm tall and withstood a magnitude ____ earthquake. While on the shake table the structure_________________________________________________. The structure also supported ____ bags sand without collapsing Claim The best design features for our earthquake resistant marshmallow/ pasta structure include a solid base (dough), cross bracing, single piece columns and a simple geometric design. (Qualitative Observation) Reasoning Design structure _______ survived the earthquake best because it had a solid base (dough), cross bracing, single piece columns and a simple geometric design. Box –shape buildings are stronger because ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________. Also, structures built on solid surfaces rather than sand withstand earthquakes better because _____________________ ____________________________________________________. (Explain.) (Explain.)
Finish Post lab checklist Tape ah ha paper to your pg. 16/17 ah ha page Draw a line from the ah ha paper to the question or questions it is addressing Go to your title page on pg. 15 Create a picture to represent the earthquake building challenge. Add a brief description of what you did Make sure you color the picture Go back through the entire plate tectonics unit so far and color with purpose any main ideas. Make sure your title page is up to date