People Search City of Launceston Marketing Mix People Search City of Launceston
Product Opportunity: City of Launceston internal employment information located in a directory which is accessible to the whole organisation. Basic information is populated at recruitment. Information is automatically uploaded to a previously dormant directory search function. Many new starters and existing employees desire an easy click and search for skills, knowledge or expertise within the organisation of approximately 560 people. Access is through the organisation’s Intranet. Essentially a free from additional upgrade, secure and trustworthy. Design Technology Usefulness Convenience Value Quality Packaging Branding Accessories Warranties
Product Potential issues and need: Strong feedback indicating the need to have an updated photo of all staff members on each profile, however with an estimated 200 photos missing. Approximately half of the organisation have a basic employee profile which is limited by licensing, howver the other half have increased functionality that allows additional work and or personal interests information which requires each individual to populate. Searching people requires the additional profile information to make it more relevant, useful and interactive. Design Technology Usefulness Convenience Value Quality Packaging Branding Accessories Warranties
Price Built-in function of the intranet platform with licensing for the entire organisation although layered. Each section of the organisation utilise the intranet with little other competitor software. Accessibility is increasing with mobile device access now available. Platform is quite dated however well established to allow trial of the people search. Cost Plus Consumer-Led Competitive Penetration Skimming Premium Economy
Place The Intranet is readily available to all desk top users and now through a remote device platform allowing greater access in the field. This potentially allows for increased people search ability when needed and where at the users preference which was previously difficult or not possible. The intranet is an acceptable, trusted, secure, serviced and basically no cost function. Wholesalers Own Store Direct Sales Online Sales Party Plans Mail Order
Promotion Current status: Intranet platform is not contemporary, functions are limited and many sections are poorly maintained. Low regard for the intranet is concerning however increased use through a people search function may draw attention and user engagement to improve the service. Currently, little to no promotion of the people search function since re-engagement. A direct ’icon’ located on the intranet home page has been made available. Advertising Public Relations Sponsorship Sales Promotion Personal Selling Direct Mail Digital Content Social Media
Promotion Opportunities: Increased engagement and interaction internally with increased personnel information and profile photos Possibility of increased internal resource sharing or utilisation over external contractors Updating and maintaining a personal work profile is likely to be better promoted by people – colleagues, team leaders and driven as an accepted business practice to reduce the potential stigma regarding self-promotion. Target people include all workforce, however the majority of users may tend to be the officer level when activating daily work. Advertising Public Relations Sponsorship Sales Promotion Personal Selling Direct Mail Digital Content Social Media
People The platform is constantly serviced by a dedicated IT team who need to be kept informed of the desired people search functionality and end users suggested requirements. The Business Improvement Group may continue to facilitate ongoing feedback in regards to developing a more contemporary version and influencing continued engagement. The Human Recourses team and Payroll team will continue to be the direct drivers of initiating people profiles including photos – these details are integral to supporting the search function. Advice and Customer Support Customer Services Aftersales backup
Process Currently well used intranet Increased accessibility to mobile device Positioning a marketing campaign highlighting people within the organisation could be well accessed and received. Placing the right instructions for support at the same site point will assist support teams and the person updating their profile. Promoting the people search through the company induction and employee sign-on which involves Human Resources Team and Payroll is vital. Ensuring regular and direct feedback through intranet metrics, people discussions and internal promotions is key. How all of the mix fits together , including its positioning, availability, timing, etc. How the product will get to the customer – converting product to sale How successful the mix is managed – what measures are utilised Quality assurance processes
Physical Evidence Style of people search icon Contemporary look, feel and or presentation of profile photos Quality of profile descriptors, how skills, knowledge and attributes are presented. Up-take numbers and conversations to collaborative work People surveys during on-boarding reflecting user engagement Measuring successful campaign: Packaging paperwork Invoicing / tickets / despatch notes Vehicle Signage Presence on internet Furnishings Brochures Uniforms Offices / Headquarters Awards