Dissecting the Cyber Security Threat Landscape Chris Novak, Co-Founder & Global Director Verizon Threat Research Advisory Center, Verizon Communications INTRODUCE GENERAL ALEXANDER
State of the Union: Understanding Today's Hyper Evolving Threat Landscape Christopher Novak Director VTRAC | Investigative Response @ChrisJNovak
Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) Lift the lid on cybercrime. 65 contributors 1,935 breaches 42,068 incidents 10th edition @ChrisJNovak
Over a Decade of Security Thought Leadership 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Coming soon Read the DBIR 2017: VerizonEnterprise.com/DBIR2017 Read the DBD 2017: VerizonEnterprise.com/databreachdigest 2016 2017 2018 Coming soon @ChrisJNovak
Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) Lift the lid on cybercrime. 1,935 breaches 42,068 incidents 10th edition 65 contributors VERIS Framework www.veriscommunity.net @ChrisJNovak
Our 65 DBIR Contributing Partners
Incident classification patterns Miscellaneous Errors Privilege Misuse Physical Theft and Loss Denial of Service Crimeware Web Application Attacks 98% of incidents and 88% of breaches fall into one of the incident classification patterns. Point of Sale Intrusions Cyber-Espionage Payment Card Skimming @ChrisJNovak
DBIR - Key Highlights @ChrisJNovak
DBIR - Key Highlights @ChrisJNovak
Industry analysis & breakdown by incidents @ChrisJNovak
Threat Actor Motivation Financial Motivation Largely opportunistic attacks Organized Crime Gains/Losses in the $M’s Espionage Motivation Targeted Attacks State sponsored Gains/Losses in the $B’s FIG = Fun, Ideology, and/or Grudge Motivation @ChrisJNovak
The crooks aren’t just after the big guys. Nearly two-thirds of the data breach victims in this year’s report are businesses and government agencies with under 1,000 employees. Further emphasizing that nobody is immune to data breaches… 61% @ChrisJNovak
The basics still aren’t covered. 1 in 14 users fell for phishing. A quarter of those were duped more than once. Stolen or easily guessable passwords featured in over 50% of breaches. @ChrisJNovak
Timespan of breach events over time @ChrisJNovak
For any data you could want to buy, there is a “Darknet” site that sells it…
Focusing your defenses Single-factor authentication is compromised often, and reused as a tool for the attacker. Shift from weak authentication methods to multi-factor solutions. Malware is not going anywhere. We assume you have client- based anti-virus running, which is a start. Enrich AV with network malware detection, sandboxing technologies and application whitelisting. Most breaches are starting with a compromised user device. Limit the sensitive data stored on workstations and build a properly segmented network with strong authentication between security zones. @ChrisJNovak
Focusing your defenses Patch web browser software (and associated plugins) promptly. Know what assets you have from which to determine patching. Limit what attachments make it past your email gateway. Strip all executables and macro- enabled Office documents, at a minimum. Encrypt all mobile devices! Keep audit logs of authorized user activity and monitor them to hunt down employee misuse or account takeovers. @ChrisJNovak
What does the future hold? Breaches beyond loss / theft of sensitive data… Internet of Things (IoT) - Estimated ~50B devices by 2020 Industrial Control Systems (Phys. disruption & destruction) Medical Devices …??? @ChrisJNovak
Q&A Questions? ... Email me at chris.novak@verizon.com DBIR Download: www.VerizonEnterprise.com/DBIR Data Breach Digest Download: www.VerizonEnterprise.com/databreachdigest @ChrisJNovak
Thank you. Chris Novak chris.novak@verizon.com @ChrisJNovak