Magtymguly_Pyragy in the Global Context: 欢迎 Welcome! Hoşgeldiniz! Bienvenido! пожаловать dobro pozhalovat Magtymguly_Pyragy in the Global Context: Cultivating Global Competencies Among Teacher Candidates using Turkmen Literature Melda N. Yildiz Kean University, Union, NJ (bruchim ha-baim)
MAGTYMGULY PYRAGY (1733-1783) Melda N. Yildiz, Ed.D. Magtymguly Pyragy in the Global Context: Cultivating Global Competencies Among Teacher Candidates using Turkmen Literature Gallery Walk is based on Museum approach to teaching. Gallery Walk can be collection of artifacts (i.e. maps, pictures, posters, audio and video clips) designed to present the particular topic to the audience) access the content. designated channel to you must follow the account to participate, but You may skip creating an your mobile device. app Aurasma on Download the free Augmented Reality THANK YOU! Please take our survey to receive the handouts. MINI SURVEY Legacy and literature of Magtymguly Pyragy recognized not only by Turkic people but also by the world community. With the help of new media and technologies, we started developing a multicultural, multilingual gallery walk project using social interaction media and mobile technologies by collecting, organizing and introducing the work of Magtymguly, and the role of his poetry as part of the world literature. We share innovative lesson ideas, resources and strategies in integrating the poems by Magtymguly and outlining his legacy across cultures throughout history; offers creative strategies for producing transdisciplinary curriculum plan and developing innovative projects integrating world literature; especially explores possibilities for collaborating with the experts in the field of Magtymguly Literature developing multilingual online platform for his literature and showcases multilingual and multicultural multimedia projects and digital stories from teacher candidates. We draw on the connections between the life and work of Magtymguly in the context of history, literature and culture. We explore how the study of Magtymguly in global context combines knowledge, reflection, and action; promotes global literacies; and prepares teacher candidates to second half of the 21st century to be responsible members of a multicultural, global society. Interactive Gallery Walk is designed as a self-directed experience. With a personal mobile device, you explore and engage with the displays. Please find resources for this session on our website:
Magytumguly Pyragy @ Google Earth
Magtymgulynyñ Kol yazmasy Hand writing of Magtymguly
"Magtymguly, Bagtyng guly"
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