Exotic Species: A species that is non native to the area.
Invasive Species. An exotic species that Invasive Species. An exotic species that dominates an ecosystem reducing the biodiversity.
Rhamnus cathartica 1st brought to Minnesota from Europe as a hedging material The nursery industry stopped selling it in the 1930s buckthorn hedges may still be found in neighborhoods throughout Minnesota
Common Buckthorn
Glossy Buckthorn
Easy to Identify when driving!!!
Takes over the understory within 10 years and will kill other plants.
Grows very thick and is hard to control once it’s established
Easy to pull if young.
Older trees need to be cut and sprayed with a herbicide
Does it really make a difference???
ODA buckthorn removal area!!
Collared Deer Travel data!!
Other Invasive Species: Zebra Mussels
Jumping Asian Carp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLmJjRqXDCo
Spotted Knapweed
Purple Loosestrife is an aquatic invasive
Garlic Mustard is a low growing invasive in wooded areas.
Emerald Ash Bore Beetle