Proposed Research Direction: Computer Vision and Video Surveillance Author: prof. Vadim E. Turlapov Proposal contents: Results achieved to date In 2006, we have created an experimental Video Surveillance system based on an open code library Intel OpenCV. The system allows tracking of moving objects as well classification these objects and events. Our sistem participated in the international contest ETISEO ran by the French government. According to ETISEO experts, the system was in top 50% among 16 participants, 5 of which were specialized private companies and 11 were universities. Perspective research directions The auto inspector We shall develop an experimental system for tracking speed limit violations and other violations of tracking law. Detecting of the sleepy driver We shall develop an experimental system for detecting sleepy drivers who oftenly are sources of accidents. 3D form and motion capture. Shape recovery and motion capture of 3D objects observed on 2 or more cameras We shall develop an experimental system for recovering the shape and capturing morion for typical objects observed on video cameras. The said operations will be executed without marking the objects. Robot vision Improvement and development of new methods and algorithms for detection of objects that belong to classes and subclasses those are characteristic for a given environment. Publications The system participated in international project ETISEO ( in June-October 2006.
Computer Vision and Video Surveillance (Компьютерное зрение, обработка изображений, видеонаблюдение) Results: ETISEO Street ETISEO Metro