R.C.Tripathi University of Allahabad COLLECTIVE IDENTITY: A Double Edged Sword For Poverty Alleviation And Social Inclusion in Rural India R.C.Tripathi University of Allahabad 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Gandhi’s Talisman When you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test:-- Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, If the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him? Will he gain anything by it ? Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny ?Then you will find your doubt and your ‘self’ melting away. 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
OUTLINE Problematic & the Context Conceptual Issues Poverty, Social Exclusion And Stigmatized Identities Identity Development: Interventions for Poverty Alleviation And Social Inclusion Success And Failure of Interventions Roles And Responsibilities for Psychologists 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Conceptual Issues Identity Personal Identity Social Identity Collective Identity Poverty Social Exclusion
Goals of Development Goals: Development is two edged Equality Empowerment Well Being Development is two edged 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Diversity in India Population 1/6th of the World Average Age 29 Years 52 Billionaires; Largest number of Poor 1652 Languages and Dialects Spoken 2000+ Ethnic Groups (16.2 SCs; 8.2% STs) All Major Religions (3rd Largest Muslim Population) Over 74% Population in 6,38,000 Villages 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Poverty in India Poverty is Distributional Poverty as Deprivation 27.5% People Below Poverty Line (BPL) in 2005 28.1% Rural People (BPL) 37.9% Dalits (BPL) 43.8% Indigenous & Tribal (BPL) Poverty as Deprivation 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Social Exclusion in India Social Exclusion is Multidimensional Socially Excluded Groups Dalits, Backward, Tribals, Muslims & Women Bases of Social Exclusion Social Structure; Caste Structure Processes of Othering 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Process of Othering Power Structure Purity and Pollution as the Bases Differentiating versus Categorization Stigmatized Social Identity and Marginalization Collective Identity 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Actors in Poverty Alleviation and Social Inclusion State Civil Society Organizations Social Movements Collective Action 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Identity Development: Interventions for Poverty Alleviation State Interventions - National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - Swarna Jayanti Gram Swaraj Yojna - Indira Awas Yojana - Swarna Jayanti Shaher Rozgar Yojana Interventions by Civil Society Organizations- SHGs Interventions by Religious and Cultural organizations 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Identity Development: Addressing Social Exclusion Affirmative Action Right to Education & Mid Day Meal National Rural Health Mission National Mission for Empowerment of Women Minority & Women Commissions Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Consequences & Outcomes of Interventions Psychological Social Economic Political 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Consequences & Outcomes of Interventions Consumption Disparities 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Consequences & Outcomes of Interventions Educational Attainments of Youth (in %age) 1983 1987-1988 1993-1994 1999-2000 Males (Never enrolled) Upper caste Hindu and other 26.88 27.46 21.19 17.08 Dalits 53.30 53.36 46.15 36.75 Adivasi 62.72 62.47 52.81 43.94 Muslim 45.18 46.41 39.41 32.27 Females (Never Enrolled) 56.54 54.07 48.23 40.85 84.28 84.77 77.45 67.39 87.85 85.25 81.42 71.20 73.49 71.70 63.23 54.78 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Consequences & Outcomes of Interventions Health 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Does Education Contribute to Capacity Development? Education and Income 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Does Education Contribute to Capacity Development? Education and Health 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Does Education Contribute to Capacity Development? Education and Participation in Governance 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Does Mainstreaming in Schools Help Dalits? 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Movements and Collective Actions Political Mobilization Deconstruction of History – New Heroes Occupying Public Space 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
Dalit Prerna Kendra (Dalit Inspiration Center) 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
New Roles and Responsibilities for Psychologists Changing Attributions and Expectations Counseling for the Othered Managing Diversity at Work Building Positive Emotional Climates Inter-group Dialoguing Facilitating Social Policy Makers 9/14/2018 Collective Identity
THANK YOU !!! 9/14/2018 Collective Identity