Fortune Teller Directions You may click on a word or number box to change text. Box will change to correct direction when you click off it. You may need to resize in order to make it fit in the space needed. Cut both sides off and discard. Place paper printed side up. Fold edge to edge (Hot dog fold) and unfold. Fold other edge and unfold. Turn printed side down. Fold point to opposite point and unfold. Fold other point to opposite point and unfold. Fold corners to the center of the square. Flip it upside down. Fold corners in to the center again. Turn over and work your fingers under the flaps until you make the fortune teller the right shape. Note: Crease the folds well. It will make the teller work better.
14 17 16 15 Count by 5s to 45 Count back by 10s from 100 30 + 20 70 + 10 100 - 20 80 - 30 50 - 50 70 - 60 Count by 5s to 55 Count by 5s to 30 100 + 30 90 + 30 16 15 Count back by 5s from 35 Count by 10s to 110