Weathering Rocks And what causes them By: Jaime Lister
Rock Weathers by breaking into smaller and smaller fragments. Rock Weathering Rock Weathers by breaking into smaller and smaller fragments. It breaks into soil, sand, silt, clay, and smaller pieces of rock.
Causes of Weathering Ice Wedging Rain Plants Acids Naturally formed acids can weather rocks chemically. Carbonic acid reacts with minerals such as calcite which causes the rock to weather. A mechanical type of weathering. The cycle of ice freezing and then thawing, breaks up rock. Plants weather rocks by growing into cracks or rocks where they find nutrients. When the roots grow, they wedge the rocks apart. Rain weathers rock when oxygen atoms in water react with the chemicals in some rocks.
Weathered Rocks Ice Wedging↑ Chemical Weathering ↑
Sources Glencoe 8th grade Earth Science Book
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