Conflict Resolution in the 6th Elementary School of Limassol SchoolMed project Conflict Resolution in the 6th Elementary School of Limassol
The objective In the school unit there are increased incidents of conflict that lead to violent behavior among students. The teaching staff decided to take action. The main objective was to reduce and eventually diminish any violent behavior among students.
The objective It was obvious that one of the reasons this happened was that the children were not able to do healthy time management.
It’s time for action!!! Games have been organized during break time. These games promote teamwork. Time was spent in classrooms to: discuss with the students the rules of the games Set a behavior code in every classroom, which has to be respected by all students.
It’s time for action!!! These games include football, volleyball and basketball. Later it will expand to table tennis. There is a monthly schedule of the games. Each class is aware of the day and time they can use the fields to play. If the students do not obey the rules and fight, their class will be out of the list.
It’s time for action!!! Action taken through the Health Education class. Teaching units such as “conflict resolution”, “Bullying”, “Picnic Basket” have been organized in this class. These units were taught through discussion, role playing, and games.
How about the results? Finally fights among children were reduced, since they had something more creative to do and there were certain rules to follow.
What needs to be done? Prevention is easier than treatment. For this reason the children of the fourth grade will attend a program called “Remove the power”. This program is organized by specialists. It includes 8 two-hour meetings with the children. The children through role playing and games find ways to handle conflicts. At the end of these meetings, the parents are informed by the children and the specialists about this program and its importance.