Region 4 -5 Area Committee Southern California Region 4 -5 Area Committee July– September 2017 Presented by: LT Daniel Ippolito September 07, 2017
Sector LA/LB MER Stats NRC Reports Received Federal Projects July – September 2017 NRC Reports Received Federal Projects Mystery Sheens NOV’s Issued LOW’s Issued 135 1 8 13
Case Highlights July-August 2017 Port of Long Beach Berth G232 ISO Tank punctured during loading operations. Approximately 6,600 gallons of Propyl Acetate were inside the tank. LB Fire responded. Sector LA/LB established an initial 1,000 ft safety zone and sent duty MER team to liaison with command post. The facility contracted Patriot Environmental for cleanup and recovery.
Case Highlights July-August 2017 12 longshoremen reported difficulty breathing due to exposure. 11 were treated on scene and one was taken to Long Beach Memorial Hospital. One Firefighter was sent to the hospital from a head injury from a short fall. He was released from the hospital shortly after with minor injuries. A command post was set up outside of the hot zone. Long Beach Fire HAZMAT conducted air monitoring and Patriot Environmental isolated the release by draining the container into a diaper. A vacuum truck was utilized to recover the product from the diapered area until the tank was empty.
Catalina Vessel Aground Case Highlights March-June 2017 Catalina Vessel Aground 22 August 17 Vessel broke mooring and ran aground in Italian Gardens (Catalina Island). IMD personnel deployed to make contact with owner. OSLTF was accessed and NRC wsa contracted for pollution removal. Approximately two and a half barrels of oily water mix was removed from the tank/bilges. Currently, pollution threat is removed but vessel is still grounded.
On the Horizon Operation Clean Water Geographic Response Strategy Deployments Spill Management Team Exercises
Questions Thank You CAPT Charlene Downey – Sector Commander CAPT Monica Rochester– Deputy Sector Commander CDR Lushan Hannah– Chief of Response LCDR John Suckow– Chief, Incident Management Division LT Dan Ippolito - Chief, Marine Environmental Response Branch