Elements of Reasoning:


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Presentation transcript:

Elements of Reasoning: Given any situation in which you feel it necessary to persuade someone to see things your way, consider the following elements: The purpose or goal of your persuasion: What is it that you want this someone to do? What do you want to happen? The issue or problem: What is the bigger issue or problem that you are addressing? Point of View: What is your point of view? What are some different points of view that others might have?

4. Experiences, Data or Evidence: What evidence can you give to support your idea? Is your evidence strong enough? (Use the “Standards of Reasoning” handout to evaluate this.) 5. Concepts or Ideas: What concept or big ideas are involved in your argument? 6. Assumptions: What assumptions are you making and/or relying on in your argument? Are these safe assumptions? Might your audience be making other assumptions? 7. Inferences: Inferences here can be thought of as small conclusions. What small conclusions are you drawing in your line of reasoning? What inferences does your audience need to make in their decision making process?

8. Implications and Consequences: What are the implications and consequences if people agree with you? If they don’t?