Dr Andrew Cornish and Mr Jonathan Garcia
Cymerwch y Cam
Nodau’r Prosiect / Project Aims Cynyddu’r cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc ac oedolion mewn addysg gymryd rhan mewn gweithgarwch corfforol Annog myfyrwyr nad ydynt yn fyfyrwyr chwaraeon i ymrwymo i weithgarwch corfforol yn rheolaidd myfyrwragedd staff To increase the opportunities for young people and adults in education to participate in physical activity To encourage non sporting students to engage with physical activity on a regular basis female students staff
Gyrwyr ar gyfer y prosiect hwn (Pam?) Drivers for this project (Why?) Cydlynwyr chwaraeon FESCO yn Lloegr Amgylchfyd coleg iach i wella iechyd a lles myfyrwyr a staff Mae’n cyd-fynd ag agenda’r Awdurdod Lleol ar gyfer ffordd o fyw’n fwy iach Datblygu ein rhaglen allgyrsiol Cynaladwyedd – ariannol ac mewn cyd-destun chwaraeon FESCOs in England Healthy College environment to improve the health and wellbeing of students and staff Fits in with Local Authority agenda for healthier lifestyle Enhance our extra curricular programme Sustainability – financial and in sporting context
Gwireddu’r Prosiect/Realising the Project Work with Local authority to produce aims and objectives for the project (including targets) Local authority send projects to sports council – release funds if successful Start project Year 1 Funding 80% Sports Council, 20% Sir Gar Year 2 Funding 65% Sports Council, 35% Sir Gar Year 3 ? Cydweithio â’r Awdurdod Lleol i gynhyrchu nodau ac amcanion ar gyfer y prosiect (gan gynnwys targedau) Yr awdurdod lleol i anfon prosiectau i’r cyngor chwaraeon – rhyddhau arian os yw’n llwyddiannus Dechrau ar y prosiect Blwyddyn 1 80% o’r arian gan y Cyngor Chwaraeon, 20% gan Sir Gâr Blwyddyn 2 65% o’r arian gan y Cyngor Chwaraeon, 35% gan Sir Gâr Blwyddyn 3 ?
Targedau / Targets 330 o sesiynau gweithgareddau yn ystod y flwyddyn 551 o fyfyrwyr a staff i fynychu un sesiwn 1491 o fyfyrwyr a staff i fynychu un sesiwn 300 o staff a myfyrwyr i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau 5x 30 ar 5 neu fwy o achlysuron yn ystod y flwyddyn 450 o staff a myfyrwyr i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau 5x 30 ar 5 neu fwy o achlysuron yn ystod y flwyddyn 330 activity sessions during the year 575 activity sessions during the year 551 students and staff to attend one session 1491 students and staff to attend one session 300 staff and students to take part in 5x 30 activities on 5 or more occasions over the year 450 staff and students to take part in 5x 30 activities on 5 or more occasions over the year
Dechrau ar y Prosiect Starting the Project Holiaduron fel sampl ar gyfer myfyrwyr o bob campws Holiaduron i ysgolion sy’n bartneriaid Panelau Dysgwyr Grwpiau Tiwtora Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr ► Adeiladu amserlen o ddigwyddiadau Questionnaires to a sample for students from all campuses Questionnaires to partner schools Learner Panels Tutor Groups Student Services ► Build a timetable of events
Newid y Diwylliant Changing the Culture Wedi cymryd amser Angen brwdfrydedd Cwmpasu pob dysgwr ac aelod o staff Cynnwys sawl campws Cyfathrebu da (e-bost, posteri a Moodle) Taken time Needs enthusiasm Encompasses all learners and members of staff Multi campus inclusion Good communication (e-mail, posters and Moodle)
Beth sy’n digwydd? What’s happening? Pob chwaraeon â phêl (pêl-droed, rygbi, pêl-fasged) Dawns, aerobeg, ffitrwydd ac ioga Gweithgareddau oddi ar y safle (syrffio, beicio mynydd) Gweithgareddau chwaraeon i bobl ag anableddau Twrnameintiau Rhyng-golegol: Rygbi cyffwrdd Pêl-droed 5 bob ochr. Dodge Ball Pêl-fasged Pêl-rwyd Hoci All ball sports (football, rugby, basketball) Dance, aerobics, fitness and yoga Off site Activities (surfing, mountain biking) Disability sport activities Inter college tournaments: - Touch Rugby 5 a side football. Dodge Ball Basketball Netball Hockey
Astudiaeth Achos (Myfyriwr – Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus) Gwneud dim gweithgarwch corfforol o gwbl Wedi dod i wybod am y prosiect drwy boster Eisiau gwneud rhywbeth yn ei amser ei hun yn y coleg Wedi cael ymarfer corff ac wedi gwneud ffrindiau newydd drwy chwarae pêl-droed a badminton Wedi mwynhau cymaint nes iddo golli 2 stôn mewn pwysau Yn teimlo ei fod wedi ei helpu i fwynhau’r coleg yn fwy
Case Study (Student – Public Services) Doing no physical activity at all Found about the project through a poster Wanted to do something in his free time at college Got exercise and made new friends playing football and badminton Enjoyed it so much he lost 2 stone in weight Feels it helped him enjoy college more
Astudiaeth Achos (Staff) ‘Mae 5 x 30 wedi darparu llawer mwy o ymarfer corff i mi drwy gydol yr wythnos. Roedd yn ffordd dda o gwrdd ag aelodau staff eraill a dod i’w hadnabod tra’n rhoi cynnig ar gamp cystadleuol. Siomi’r darlithwyr chwaraeon yn y gemau ail-gyfle oedd yr eisin ar y gacen!’
Case Study (staff) ‘5 x 30 has provided me with much more exercise throughout the week. It was a good way to meet and get to know other members of staff whilst playing in a competitive sport. Humiliating the sports lecturers in the playoffs was the icing on the cake!’
Gwirfoddolwyr 5x30 5x30 Volunteers Ychwanegu at ein dau aelod o staff Hanfodol i’r rhaglen – gwasanaethu nifer o weithgareddau ar gampysau gwahanol Dod yn bennaf o’n rhaglen Gradd – maent yn ennill sgiliau dysgu’n seiliedig ar waith Wedi’u cyfweld a’u penodi (brwdfrydedd a dibynadwyedd yn ffactorau allweddol) Wedi cael gwiriad Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol (CRB) Supplement our two members of staff Essential to the programme – service a number of activities on different campuses Mainly come from our Degree programme – they gain work based learning skills Interviewed and appointed (enthusiasm and reliability key factors) CRB checked
Ein Gwirfoddolwyr Our Volunteers
Gobeithion y Dyfodol Future Aspirations Dod yn goleg sy’n cymeradwyo ffordd o fyw’n iach yn llawn ac sy’n hyrwyddo rhaglen chwaraeon a hamdden bywiog Ymrwymo mwy o fyfyrwyr nad ydynt yn cyfranogi mewn unrhyw weithgareddau chwaraeon a leolir yn y coleg Datblygu rhaglen allgyrsiol sydd wedi ei theilwra ar gyfer anghenion y disgyblion a’r staff Datblygu cysylltiadau â chlybiau a’n hysgolion sy’n bartneriaid o fewn Sir Gaerfyrddin Adnabod a datblygu rhagor o wirfoddolwyr o fewn y coleg ac o’i amgylch Mynd â 5 x 30 at ddiwydiant To become a college that fully endorses a healthy lifestyle and promotes an active sports and recreation programme Engage more students that currently do not participate in any sport based activity at the college Develop an extra-curricular programme tailored to the needs of the pupils and staff Develop links with clubs and our partner schools within Carmarthenshire Identify and develop more volunteers from within and around the college Take 5 x 30 to industry
Prosiect 5 x 30 ar waith 5 x 30 project in action PLAY