Another attempt at Humor…
The Protestant Reformation Introduction By about 1500 Europeans began calling for a change in the way the church taught and practiced Christianity Northern Europeans did not like being controlled by a distant Pope. Change… The Catholic Church
Protestant Church Split!! Merchants wanted to loan money with interest (usury) The Catholic Church possessed too much power and wealth. In Germany, the conflict was so great it produced a split that eventually formed Protestantism Split!! Protestant Church =
Martin Luther German Monk born in 1483 Came up with idea of salvation by faith alone. Love God, love others, have faith in Jesus, go to Heaven.
Meanwhile, back at the Vatican Pope Leo X and the church were strapped for cash Sold indulgences to make money Certificates issued by the Catholic church that would clear all your sins. Spiritual get out of jail free card
Luther and other Christians had problems with this. OCTOBER 31, 1517, Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church This signified the beginning of the Protestant Church. Protestant Church 95 Thesis Birth of the…
Power & 95 Theses criticized the indulgences, church corruption, etc. After this indulgence sale declined, Church power declined Luther was excommunicated, but gained a strong following Power &
Did YOU Know?!? Among the Roman upper class at one time, wedding cakes were broken over the brides’ heads. One of the world’s worst drivers was a 75 year old man in Texas who received ten traffic tickets. He drove on the wrong side of the road four times, committed four hit-and-run offenses, and caused six accidents – all in twenty minutes! In 1973, a powerful Tornado in Oklahoma sheared a whole heard of sheep while they grazed.
Pastor Bob Says Sermons in… Lutheranism Salvation comes through faith alone Bible was the ultimate authority, not the Clergy. Sermons were held in vernacular All humans are equal in God’s eyes. Pastor Bob Says Sermons in… VERNACULAR!!
John Calvin Began Calvinism, which expanded the Protestant Church Believed in Predestination- your path is laid out before you are born By being a good Christian, you must have been saved! Concentrated in France (Huguenots)
England’s Church King Henry VIII asked the Pope for a divorce from his wife Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn Henry wanted a son Pope refused because it was against Catholic Doctrine
Henry responded by: Passing the Act of Supremacy Made Henry the head of his own Church Called the Church of England Controlled lands once held by the Catholic Church
Henry was then free to do what he pleased Married Boleyn and had another daughter Married 4 more times, only had one son Edward VI Henry’s daughter Mary took the throne Mary was Catholic and converted England back to Catholicism Called Bloody Mary because of her brutal tactics to convert England to Catholicism
After Mary’s death, Elizabeth I took over Wanted to unite the people of England religiously Created Anglicanism, a blend of Protestant and Catholic beliefs Called the Anglican Church Allowed merchants to make as much money as possible (Capitalism)