Growing Toward Maturity A study of the epistle of James. On Faith Growing Toward Maturity A study of the epistle of James.
Faith in God without action in obedience is useless. Spiritual Life Principle:
Real Faith is more than words. Emphasis: Importance of Actions couple with faith. Illustration of dead faith: “Go and be warmed & filled.” Such faith cannot save… Faith alone saves but is never alone.
Real Faith is more than a scholarly pursuit. I Object! Really? Even demons believe…& shudder. Scholastic Faith falls short of action. Such faith cannot save.
Being a Christian involves trusting Christ and living for Christ Being a Christian involves trusting Christ and living for Christ. You receive, then you reveal. Warren Wiersbe, BE Mature. Faith involves our whole person.
Real Faith is actively obedient. Father Abraham: Believed & was justified. Demonstrated faith in obedience. Rahab: Believed testimony of the God of Israel. Acted in accordance with that faith.
Spiritual Life Principle Application: God honors obedience. Our faith is completed by our works. “Just as the body is dead with out a spirit so our faith is dead without works.” Does your faith work?