ESP8266 12-E ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability produced by Shanghai-based Chinese manufacturer, Espressif. Added components for 12-E implementation 1. Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to Serial UART (alternative to FTDI) 2. NCP1117 3.3VDC Voltage Regulator 3. implementation closely follows the Open-Source design of the NodeMCU Team (not limited to archaic and unpredictable “AT” commands 4. Can be implemented via Arduino IDE (Wiring/C), ESPlorer,(LUA and Python code) or Espruino (Javascript)
1. USB to serial UART driver: 2. Board manager to add into preferences so the Arduino Ide knows where to look: 3. Select the menu optionTools → Board → Boards Manager...and scroll down and to locate the option esp8266 by ESP8266 Community, click Install. (should include the "ESP8266WiFi.h" library) 4. restart the Arduino IDE set to NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) 5 get a free account at: 6. Fill out the 5 fields for our DHT sensor into thingSpeak and copy your Write API Key/ 7. Use my code with your ApiKey and Local WiFi SSID and Password