Content Provided by Henderson Truck Company Manual SALVAGE AND OVERHAUL Fire Department Content Provided by Henderson Truck Company Manual Disclaimer: The content in this slide show has not been reviewed by the Department of Labor and Industries for accuracy and has been provided as “sample” curriculum only. Each Authority Having Jurisdiction must design, take authority of, and responsibility for, the actual training done by the Department. Local SOPs/SOGs, State regulations, and Federal laws may impact the material suggested.
STANDARDS WAC 296-305-05002 (12)-(15) NFPA 1001
SOPs Our Department SOP for Salvage and Overhaul are:
WHY WE CARE Saving property! Reducing fire loss! Contents often have more value than the building components. Monetary & sentimental value. Some items can never be replaced. Outstanding public relations.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify purpose of salvage and overhaul Describe initial salvage procedures Describe initial overhaul procedures Identify overhaul tools and equipment Identify PPE required during Salvage and Overhaul
PURPOSE OF SALVAGE To reduce damage from fire, smoke, water, heat, cold, or weather during and after a fire
PURPOSE OF OVERHAUL Extinguish hidden fires Render property safe for firefighters and investigators Return the property to a condition that may be entered or used by the occupants Purpose of Overhaul: The purpose of overhaul is the search for and extinguishment of hidden fires, and to render the property safe initially for firefighters and fire investigators, and if possible to return the property to a condition where it may be safely entered, or used by the occupants. Proper overhaul procedures prevent unnecessary property damage and fireground injuries.
WHEN TO START SALVAGE Salvage can be performed before extinguishment or as it is occurring. Command might delay fire attack until salvage is occurring or complete. We need more manpower for this to happen. If there is an attic fire or fire on a second story, get a salvage crew in on the first floor or basement. Move all furniture into middle of room, put everything else on top of couch & chairs, then cover it all with tarps. Initial Overhaul: Initial overhaul procedures are those directed at making the scene safe for the fire investigators to complete an initial investigation. Initial overhaul begins when the main body of the fire is extinguished and shall include the following: Opening the attic space, or at least making an inspection hole into the space to determine that there is no fire overhead. As much as is possible, cooling the contents of the fire area to reduce off-gasing during the inspection process. Identifying and preserving any evidence of origin, or arson. Ventilating the area to improve visibility and to remove heated gases.
SALVAGE TOOLS Full PPE, CO monitor, Salvage covers, floor runners, Squeegees. Water scoops, mops, mop wringer with bucket, Automatic sprinkler kit Roofing supplies, nails, screws, stapler & staples, plastic sheeting, lathing, tools, power tools.
SALVAGE INITIAL PROCEDURES Placing high objects at ends of piles and using rolled rugs as ridgepoles Placing small objects (pictures, curtains, lamps) on larger objects such as couches or beds Using water-resistant materials to raise furniture off wet floors Roll up area rugs Often just remove items if they are far enough away from the fire area.
CONTROLLING WATER Reduce water damage by Cleaning clogged drains Removing toilet fixtures Creating scuppers Using existing sanitary piping systems Affixing chutes
OVERHAUL INITIAL PROCEDURES Overhaul is the practice of searching a fire scene to detect hidden fires or sparks which may rekindle and to note the possible point of origin and cause of fire. Directed at making scene safe for investigators Begins when the main body of fire is extinguished Initial Overhaul: Initial overhaul procedures are those directed at making the scene safe for the fire investigators to complete an initial investigation. Initial overhaul begins when the main body of the fire is extinguished and shall include the following: Opening the attic space, or at least making an inspection hole into the space to determine that there is no fire overhead. As much as is possible, cooling the contents of the fire area to reduce off-gasing during the inspection process. Identifying and preserving any evidence of origin, or arson. Ventilating the area to improve visibility and to remove heated gases.
SAFETY TIPS Full PPE including SCBA use! - Higher levels of toxic gasses than during fire (CANCER RISK) Measure using Multi-gas meter before allowing firefighters to remove SCBAs Have a charged hose line in the building Pace yourself Use fresh crew if possible Safety: Since Overhaul is the search for and extinguishment of hidden fires, it must be assumed that these hidden fires will be located. These “hidden” fires will still be producing products of combustion. In addition, the items affected by the fire may be, and will be considered to be off-gasing. For these reasons, personnel engaged in Overhaul will be operating in dangerous or potentially dangerous environments. Unless otherwise directed by the IC, all members shall wear appropriate PPE, including SCBA. Only when Overhaul is complete will the environment be considered safe for entry without the use of an SCBA. Incident Commanders must provide sufficient numbers of crews and an adequate rotation of those crews to allow for appropriate work / rest cycles.
BUILDING SAFETY Weak areas should be put off limits Shore or brace unstable walls or ceilings Holes in floors or stairways should be barricaded Utilities shut off Sharp objects – mitigate, barricade, warning tape
OVERHAUL PROCEDURES Use Thermal Imaging Camera to find hot spots Opening of attic spaces Cooling involved materials Preserving evidence Ventilating Building Initial Overhaul: Initial overhaul procedures are those directed at making the scene safe for the fire investigators to complete an initial investigation. Initial overhaul begins when the main body of the fire is extinguished and shall include the following: Opening the attic space, or at least making an inspection hole into the space to determine that there is no fire overhead. As much as is possible, cooling the contents of the fire area to reduce off-gasing during the inspection process. Identifying and preserving any evidence of origin, or arson. Ventilating the area to improve visibility and to remove heated gases.
SMALL FIRES Remove affected items Wet down involved items Check room of origin with TIC Check attic space with TIC Remove drywall as necessary Small fires (incipient): All items affected by the fire should be removed from the structure. Pay particular attention to items such as furniture, fixtures, appliances, clothing, and decorations. These items should be sufficiently wet down to cool any embers and prevent a re-kindle, and placed at least 10’ from the structure. The area or room where the fire occurred, and all adjoining rooms will be checked with a thermal imaging camera, (TIC) to look for hot spots. Particular attention must be given to openings in the drywall such as those for electrical outlets and switches, light fixtures, and HVAC returns and registers. When possible, a firefighter should be placed into the attic space with a TIC to evaluate all areas around such openings, and to evaluate the ductwork from the room of origin up to the plenum. If in the opinion of the officer(s) on scene, the drywall is damaged and will be removed as part of the rebuild process, or if there is any doubt as to extension of the fire beyond the drywall, crews should remove the drywall at and around those areas in question to open the void spaces and facilitate a closer inspection. If charring or evidence of fire penetration is found, then the entire drywall envelope shall be removed and deposited outside the structure. All insulation shall be taken out and the void spaces checked and cooled. *** Note: Overhaul will be considered “complete” when the above procedures have been accomplished
PULLING A CEILING Wear full protective clothing and eye protection Wear SCBA for overhaul Stand between area being pulled and doorway Pull down and away from yourself
FIRE INVESTIGATORS Firefighters should: Observe evidence Protect evidence Preserve evidence Initial overhaul procedures shall be halted as soon as it is deemed safe for fire investigators to enter the structure and complete their investigation. Once the investigation is complete, crews shall continue with overhaul procedures as outlined below. Note: Fire Investigators will be required to wear SCBA’s when conducting initial investigations.
LARGE FIRES All contents shall be removed from fire rooms Wet down affect items Remove all wall coverings (drywall, paneling, etc.) Remove all insulation Remove all ductwork in fire room Baseboards, moldings, door or window casings shall be removed Large Fires (Free-Burning or Structure-Involved): It shall be assumed that the intensity of any free-burning fire is sufficient enough to cause the heat from the fire to be conducted through building materials and into void spaces. When these fires occur, much more aggressive overhaul techniques will be used: All contents, (furniture, fixtures, appliances, clothing, decorations, etc.) shall be removed from the fire room(s) and placed at least 10’ from the structure. These items will be sufficiently wet down to cool any embers and prevent a re-kindle. All wall coverings, (drywall, paneling, etc.) will be removed from the fire room(s) and placed outside the structure. All insulation will be removed and the void spaces exposed for inspection and cooling. If there is evidence that fire has breached a wall, then crews must remove wall coverings in the adjoining room(s) until they are confident that they have cleared past the point of fire spread. Any ductwork to or from the fire room(s) shall be removed, and the areas under and around the ductwork inspected for embers. Any door or window casings shall be removed as well.
OUR EQUIPMENT Our Salvage (tarps, water capture, clean up) equipment is located on this apparatus:
STEPS TO COMPLETE TRAINING Evolution scheduled: Test: Skill Sheets:
RESOURCES AND CREDITS Fire Protection Publications - Oklahoma University Henderson Truck Company Manual IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Edition - Loss Control