God’s Plan for Salvation: The Big Picture Section 1 God’s Plan for Salvation: The Big Picture
The Path to Restoration Section 1, Part 3 The Path to Restoration
Introduction God’s plan was paused but not thwarted God develops a new plan to restore what was lost in the Fall Begins immediately with a promise to Adam & Eve [1st & 2nd Adamic] Continues through the covenants of the Old Testament Noahan, Abrahamic, Mosaic, & Davidic Chosen people who have the gift of the Law The consequences of Original Sin break every covenant God shows his fidelity by making a new covenant with His People Unconditional love, patience, & understanding Continually sends prophets to call His People back to fidelity The OT covenants and prophets point to the coming Messiah who will suffer for His People & restore original holiness & justice Five Articles (A. 8) God’s Promise to Adam & Eve (A. 9) The Old Testament Covenants: Part One (A. 10) The Old Testament Covenants: Part Two (A. 11) Covenant Keeping: Successes & Failures (A.12) The Growing Messianic Hope
A. 8: God’s Promise to Adam & Eve A great spiritual truth is hidden in Gn. 3 amongst bleakness of the Fall & its effects Grandpa—eyes of faith for providence The Proto-evangelium—Gn. 3: 15 Etymology Literal sense & Spiritual sense Etiology Allegorical = Christ, Tropological = moral, & Anagogical = end Definitions & interpretations (chart in book) 2nd Adamic Covenant under a spiritual interpretation Easter Exultet— “Oh happy fault, oh necessary sin of Adam that won for us so great a Redeemer” What was the 1st Adamic Covenant
A. 8 cont.: God’s Promise to Adam & Eve Remainder of Primeval History—Gn. 4-11 God remains faithful; though sin increases in kind & number Cain & Abel—Gn. 4: 1-16 Jealousy, fratricide, shepherds/farmers, sacrifice, God’s mark—mercy Noah & the Flood—Gn. 6:5 -- 9:17 Look at in A. 9 The Tower of Babel—Gn. 11: 1-9 Babylon, later Exile, ziggurats, pride, confuse speech to scatter & limit evil, fidelity to Noahan, etiology Written history will begin with a more direct approach by God picking one nation St. Leo the Great (440-461)—we gained more in Christ than we lost in Original Sin
Article 9: The Old Testament Covenants: Part One Define covenant Pagan covenants versus Israel’s covenants Look at four OT covenants that point us to the Paschal Mystery The Noahan Covenant—Gn. 6-10 Mediator (just), 1st Explicit Promise, & Sign Universal nature—chart in A. 9 Melchizedek, King Cyrus, Ruth, (Rahab &/or Tamar) Break—polytheism including idolatry of own leaders The Abrahamaic Covenant—Gn. 12 (13, 15, 17) Mediator, 3 Promises, 3 Signs--circumcision Which promise is most important God forms the Hebrew’s Israelites Jews … by choosing them Abraham & his descendants (Isaac & Jacob/Israel) are the Patriarchs of God’s Chosen People Remainder of Genesis relates their story which shows God’s faithfulness despite His peoples unfaithfulness
Dr. Scott Hahn: The OT Covenants (13:00) Individual Assignment 1) Key to understanding the OT 2) Contrast covenant and contract 3) How many covenants 4) Will there be any more 5) What connects Gn. & Rev. 6) Why does law increase in the OT 7) 3 key elements of the Bible 8) Human history is like what 9) Another difference between covenant & contract 10) Explain “a covenant has conditions but is unconditional” A Father Who Keeps His Promises, Part 1
Homework HW 1.3; #1-4 Read AA. 10-12
Article 10: The Old Testament Covenants: Part Two The Mosaic Covenant The theophany at Mount Sinai—Ex. 19: 16-25 (other OT ones—holy fear) Mediator, Promise, Sign The 10 Commandments—Ex. 20 & Deut. 5 Old & obsolete or just fulfilled Structure—right relationships Exodus, Leviticus, & Deuteronomy Relationship between Law & Covenant Torah/Pentateuch The Davidic Covenant—2 Sm. 7: 4-13 Mediator, Promise, Sign, & Receiver Ark of the Covenant—definition, history, & contents (Ex. 25) Literal & spiritual interpretation & fulfillment Destruction of Judah in 598 b.c. & the covenant—notion of Messiah Jesus is a direct descendent of David through both Mary & Joseph—Mt. 1 & Lk. 3 Relationship between the OT Covenants & the Paschal Mystery
Article 11: Covenant Keeping: Successes & Failures The historical & prophetic books of the OT reveal that Israel struggled in keeping the covenants God made with them The Judges Israelites led by Joshua settle in Canaan Confederation of tribes with no central government Judges traces 12 judges (six in detail) who God raises up as need Ancient military leaders who also settled disputes Cycle: faithful, forgetful, unfaithful, suffering, repent, delivered, faithful Theme: God desires complete commitment Israel is incapable so cycle of judges which gradually declines Deborah (only woman), Gideon, Jephthah, Samson People ask for a king to be like the other nations
Article 11: Covenant Keeping: Successes & Failures cont. The Monarchy—1,2 Samuel & 1,2 Kings (1,2 Chronicles repeats) God bears peoples rejection & has Samuel anoint them King Saul Kings are flawed but committed to God, the Law & the Covenant at first Saul—trust; David—lust; Solomon—greed Kingdom splits into northern Israel & southern Judah (1,2 Kgs.) Jeroboam’s idolatry & string of bad kings led to Assyrian conquer in 722 b.c. Rehoboam also did evil but Judah had good kings to call them back to fidelity Asa, Hezekiah, Josiah,…who destroyed idols & led religious & Covenantal reforms Kingdom firmly establishes the Israelites as God’s Chosen People Land, people, Jerusalem Temple under Solomon, ritual & Law firmly established Kingdom ultimately fails so Christ can spiritually rather than literally fulfill
Article 11: Covenant Keeping: Successes & Failures cont. The Prophets Mouthpieces of God to bring people back to Covenant & Law Warn & assure—sign of true prophets vs. false 4 major—Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, & Daniel 12 minor as well as many more who foreshadow Christ as prophet
Article 12: The Growing Messianic Hope Theological virtue of hope Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on hope in Spe Salvi Ultimately true prophets were prophets of hope If the people were faithful to the covenant, eventually God would send the Messiah to form the New & Everlasting Covenant These prophets & their prophecies increased with frequency & intensity as the birth of Christ approached in the inter-testamental period after the Exile As a result, people’s hope was growing stronger & stronger Chart in A. 12 illustrates how Christ fulfills all of the OT prophetic hopes OT Prophet; OT Prophecy; Christ’s NT Fulfillment Typology
Homework HW 1.3; #5-7 Study for the Quiz #3 Friday (AA. 8-12) Make sure the HW #3 is ready to turn in Friday (1.3 ;#1-7)
You Tube Video: Typology Dr. Scott Hahn
Typology Project—10 Point HW grade due Wednesday Understanding typology Pick one of the following OT biblical stories we studied: First Adamic Covenant (Gn. 1-2) The Fall and Proto-evangelium (Gn. 3) Cain & Abel (Gn. 4) The Flood & Noahan Covenant (Gn. 6-10) The Tower of Babel (Gn. 11) The Abrahamaic Covenant (Gn. 12, 13, 15, 17) The Mosaic Covenant (Ex. 19-20 & Dt. 5) The Davidic Covenant (2 Sm. 7) Explain what typology is & how it can be used to exegete the bible Name as many types as you can & their New Testament antitypes For each pair of type & antitype you find, explain how the OT type foreshadows the NT antitype & how the NT antitype fulfills the OT type
Typology Example: The Sacrifice of Isaac (Gn. 22: 1-19) The Testing of Abraham