Work and Family Katie Reck
What is the Purpose of Work? Having a paid job is, for most people and in most cases, a source of economic security, status, well-being and health.
What is work - Definition Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil. Employment, as in some form of industry, especially as a means of earning one's livelihood: to look for work. “Real Price of Work” Taking Natural to the Useful (Marx) What is work - Definition
Work = Poverty & Slavery Leisure = Free Hunter/Gatherers Agricultural Industrial – 1800’s Year-round labor Discipline and anonymity Technology /Information - 1900’s Industrial enterprises Women Robotics
Work Today 2000’s – Globalization Downsizing and Outsourcing Higher workloads and greater time pressures Fewer people doing more More control over work pace, methods, increased flexibility, responsibility, and opportunities. Work Today
What does the family look like today?
Single Parents
Work What do you want to do for work? Why do we work? Make Money Productivity Self-esteem Contribute to society What do you want to do for work? Work
I based my future occupation choice mostly on… Money / Salary Time / Flexibility What I love to do Tradition Family I based my future occupation choice mostly on…
How much do you plan on making? < $20,000 $20,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $75,000 $75,000 - $100,000 > $100,000 How much do you plan on making?
http://www. visualeconomics
Would you be willing to do something that you don’t like to do but make more money? Would you rather do something that you love but not make as much money? What if you had a family to provide for? Value and Work
Ethnicity Gender
Define Gender – Sex – biology Gender role – _______ Diversity – Gender, ethnic, and scioeconomic variety Race – Ethnicity – The way people define themselves – common ancestry and heritage Culture – Minority group – group that has less access to privileges, resources, and power US Diversity – Mixing pot Define
Men vs. Women How does being male or female effect the way I see the world? If I were of a different gender, how would that affect my current worldview? The bathroom fight – Ray ramono Men vs. Women
Changes in Work How has work changed for men? Women? Wage gap Parenting responsibilities Stay at home parents Equal sharers Marriage responsibilities Egalitarianism – equal/share Dual-earner Dual-career Changes in Work
Gender and the Home Who does what in your house? Works Housework Childcare Bills What are the different types of gender roles within a home? Family Values = Balance Gender and the Home
Gender and the Home ________………………….._________ Structure versus attitudes/values Can an egalitarian relationship exist in a traditional marriage? Gender and the Home
We are Different