Bell Ringer From the video yesterday, what was the MOST influential biotic or abiotic factor you saw in the Planet Earth video yesterday?
What is your role in the “Circle of Life”? Ecosystems What is your role in the “Circle of Life”?
Essential Questions What are biotic and abiotic factors? What roles do organisms play in an ecosystem? How do those roles affect changes in the population?
Ecosystems An individual is a single organism in an environment. Individuals of the same type in the same environment are called a population. All the types of populations living together in a environment make up a community.
Ecosystems Together, a community and a physical location make up an ecosystem. A limiting factor affects the population of an ecosystem by limiting the number of a population. Ex. Food, water, shelter Population Density is the number of organisms an ecosystem can support.
Ecosystem Because there are limited resources in an ecosystem, there must be competition. Animals have developed traits over time to help them compete.
Interdependence Organisms in an ecosystem are interdependent, meaning they depend on each other for survival. Each population of organisms has a niche. A niche is the specific role that an organism has an ecosystem.
Food for Thought What niches do you fit in? What niches could organisms have in an ecosystems?
Niches and Roles A producer is an organism that produces its own food. A consumer is an organism that eats producer or other consumers. A decomposer breaks down other organisms.
Food Chain A food chain shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem. The SUN is the origin of all energy on Earth! Producers are always the first level after the sun.
Food Chains
Food Web A Food Web shows how all food chains are connected.
Relationships One type is predation. There is predator and prey. A long term relationship is symbiosis.
Symbiosis There are 3 types of symbiosis: Mutualism- both organisms benefit Commensalism- One benefits the other does not but its not harmed. Parasitism- One benefits, one is harmed.
Please put one question you have about what was covered today! Exit Slip What are abiotic and biotic factors? What do Limiting factors cause? Label each of the following pictures as producer, consumer, or decomposer. Please put one question you have about what was covered today!