Sonnet 60 Which image from the poem do you like best? Write out the image and explain why you picked it. Do you think the tone of this poem is optimistic or pessimistic? Explain with reference to the poem. Write about three hopes and three fears you have for the future. Explain in each case why you feel this way.
Write about three hopes and three fears you have for the future.
Sonnet 60 1 A4 page each on the three hopes and fears. 1 hope/fear per paragraph. Try to use some of the quotes from the poem. Example: One of my hopes is to go to college. I agree with Shakepeare’s idea that “our minutes hasten to their end”. This makes me want to make the most of myself and fulfill my potential.
Test How does the poet describe the power of time to destroy everything?
Test To answer: find two specific examples of how time destroys, and explain why you chose them.
Test Choose two images from the poem that you found particularly powerful and explain why you chose them.
Test To answer: choose two images and describe what feelings they create for you. Note: the images must be specific to the poem. Example: “waves” is irrelevant. “Waves make towards the pebbled shore,” is relevant.
Test Of the three phrases below… He is upset He doesn’t care He is defiant He is realistic
Test To answer: choose one of the phrases and find quotes from the poem to support it.