Adjectives...... grand…….petit……..bleu…….vert……….. content……intelligent……..charmant…… méchant………gris……..strict………noir…
Le prince charmant Ask pupils to identify the adjective
La princesse charmante Ask pupils to identify the adjective again and see if they can spot the difference between the two spellings.
Look at the words to the song. Can you find another adjective?
Le crocodile est grand. Ask pupils to identify the adjective again and see if they can spot the difference between the two spellings.
Le tigre est content.
La souris est petite. Ask pupils to identify the adjective again and see if they can spot the difference between the two spellings.
La fée est méchante.
Listen to the change in sound grand grande petit petite charmant charmante méchant méchante vert verte intelligent intelligente