Theory of Cognitive Operators Delayed Match to Sample Executive control’s criteria for stage Jeffrey John Baran, Northeastern University Scoring Tests scored very well in backs of matching to sample and delayed matching to sample Tower of London and Wisconsin Card Sorting Task fall into this type of tests which is matching to sample It is salient that scoring of tasks and tests are low stage compared to the instruments of MHC Problems The major problem here is that the task hierarchical complexity of neuropsychology tests and items is not measured So it gives no clue about the order of complexity problems an individual can actually solve Hence, from the perspective of the MHC, current batteries are very much inconclusive in regards to executive functioning capacities of individuals This is not to mention that executive control is a composite variable itself Theory of Cognitive Operators Measures of mental attentional, or M-capacity derived from the TCO seek to overcome testing limitations (Pascul – Leone,, 1970). For other approaches to measurement of WM control of prior learning and rehearsal appears less of a concern. First, good Mental – measures should minimize the executive demand of the task. Second, individual test items should index a single level of Mental-demand, while across the test, items should cover the full range of relevant Mental-demand levels Third, measurement of Mental – capacity should take place in a novel situation, to minimize variance due to prior learning. because task design minimizes other sources of activation, such as prior learning and affect, Mental – measures tend to be relatively culture-fair Hypothesis We built on the hypothesis that MHC instruments are better predictors of executive function than existing neuropsychology instruments, because: They measure task hierarchical complexity Stage as a one dimensional variable Present tasks in increasing order of complexity\ It is a behaviorist approach: tasks are never opened to interpretations by the subject. Method Score test batteries for stage of assessment Results Matching to sample tests are low stage, as well as delayed matching to sample. Figure 2: The Hierarchical Complexity Scoring Scheme reached the Circular-sensory, Motor Stage 3 on the y-axis having a pigeon completed matching to sample tasks (Ferster, 1960). Reaching no age limit on the x-axis. Note. Reaching vertical complexity both between e) Peanut, and f) Clown (Pascual-Leone, 2000; Arsalidou et al, 2013). . Discussion Neuropsychological assessments are low stage measures of executive control. Wisconsin Card Sorting Tasks has the potential to be MHC alike. Although poor measure of prefrontal function. Decision Making Index in backs of MHC and Piaget’s pendulum task by definition is a Complex Working Memory Span Task and is a more valid approach to assessing executive control. fMRI and EEG studies which use low stage assessments designed for studies on prefrontal impairments as well as child studies. Increasing complexity and stage is accounted for by the DMI it also follows TCO’s requirements for assessments to be in good standing for measuring Executive control Conclusions Task items are at highest preoperational stage because the amount of mental capacity across ages which is used for the processing of a task instructions and plans corresponds to the preoperational stage of development (Pascual – Leone, 1970). Although its scope is vast in assessment studies in prefrontal impairment and childhood, the validity of complex working memory span tasks performance assessments of prefrontal function are more precise. References Englund, C. E., Reeves, D. L., Shingledecker, C. A., Thorne, D. R., & Wilson, K. P. (1987). Unified Tri-Service Cognitive Performance Assessment Battery (UTC-PAB). 1. Design and Specification of the BaFerster, C.B. (July 1960). Intermittent reinforcment of matching to sample in the pigeon. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 3(3): 259–272.ttery. Pascual – Leone, J. 1970. A mathematical model for the transition rule in Piaget's developmental stages. Acta Pychologica 32:301-345. Perez, W. A., Masline, P. J., Ramsey, E. G., & Urban, K. E. (1987). Unified Tri-Services Cognitive Performance Assessment Battery: Review and Methodology. Background The MHC instruments measure the complexity of problems an individual can solve through a reliable unidemisional statistical methodology based on Rasch analysis The MHC instruments measure beyond formal stages, so they can identify the highest stage that an human adult achieves Formal is the average stage, but adults can achieve up to the cross-paradigmatic stage Because stag is a measure of the complexity of problems an individual can solve, we can think of it as a measure of executive functioning. Introduction Executive Functioning is a term mostly used in the field of neuropsychology and cognitive assessment EF is a measure of problem solving which informs on the tasks individuals solve There is no unitary term for executive control because it describes a vast amount of complex cognitions How is executive functioning currently measured/assessed? Matching to Sample This task is designed to assess Speed Accuracy Matching-to-sample is a task in which the subject is required to respond correctly to stimuli that correspond in some fashion to a sample stimulus (Skinner, 1950) The factors can be characterized along two dimensions Speed/power and Simplicity/complexity The more powerful an ability, the higher its position in the factor hierarchy However, a higher position in the hierarchy also guarantees slower performance, since the tasks are more complex Thus, it is likely that this test will yield very quick reaction times Given that the factor loading appears to the concentrated on factors located low in the hierarchy Delayed Match to Sample Delayed match-to-sample tasks and working memory The Delayed match-to-sample procedure is a slightly more complex variation of the task In this case there is a time delay between the presentation of the sample and the comparison stimuli By varying the length of the delay we can gain insight into how long the subject can retain information in their working memory We can also use the delay to identify the extent to which modifying or adding new stimuli affects the performance of working memory in the subject This is known as 'interference' and can come in two forms Following the presentation of the sample or Retroactive Or Proactive