Copenhagen Technical Meeting on Protected Areas in Europe


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Presentation transcript:

Copenhagen Technical Meeting on Protected Areas in Europe EEA – CoE - UNEP WCMC Coordination Copenhagen 28 August 2013

Items of interest Emerald Bern Convention Species and Habitats lists (Resolutions, Newly proposed Species and Habitats ….) European Diploma (Biogenetic Reserves Data Base) Others: s.a. background data: distribution maps for species and habitats; N2000 viewer; Digital version of the CoE Potential Vegetation Map ?

Emerald Sites Candidate sites (only on CoE webpage) Adopted Sites (full database and GIS) Designation types at National level (ENP) Data from Biogeographical process (conclusions data base, Reservations, Reference list, ….) Data delivery on CDR and QA/QC reporting Data entry software (cfr. N2000 software)

Emerald Sites 37 Adopted Sites for Switzerland Database on CDR: CNTRYCH.MDB Site Boundary Data (also on CDR) Can be included in the EUNIS sites module

Designation (protection) Types at National Level See provisional list for 7 ENP countries in word doc How to integrate in ECDDA, WDPA and EUNIS sites module ? Can CoE help with searching for the right contacts for the inventory on designated areas ? Database on CDR: CNTRYCH.MDB Site Boundary Data (also on CDR) Can be included in the EUNIS sites module

Data from Biogeographical process Integrate in EUNIS search modules for species and habitats: Reference list (Conclusions data base) (Reservations)

Data delivery on CDR (ReportNet) Continuation of the successfully initiated delivery process under the first ENP project Adding more delivery rules QA/QC automated process: cfr. N2000 ?

Data entry software (cfr. N2000 software) Main issues for transformation to Emerald Visibility aspects: logo, titles, references to documents, Replace reference databases for species (Res. 6), Habitats (Res. 4), Administrative Regions Codes (amended NUTS), Designation Types list, …. Need for debugging and assistance during transformation Need for training during launch of software Helpdesk

Bern Convention Newly proposed Species and Habitats See separate note on status Link with Species 2000 work on Taxonomic Name Services: list of species of policy concern ?? Habitats: link to EUNIS habitat classification governance

Additional species proposed to be added to the BC Resolutions MSAccess database for 7 ENP countries 201111_proposed_species_merged – final.mdb Summary document: 201111_proposed_species_merged summary.doc

European Diploma New version will be available in autumn To be included in EUNIS Sites module and WDPA Links from CoE webpage to Information Form available in EUNIS (see example)

Biogenetic Reserves To be deleted from the EUNIS sites module Store it as a downloadable database with historical data

Others GIS and collection principles for Distribution Maps on species and habitats (cfr. Art. 17 and 12) Emerald data viewer as an equivalent for the N2000 viewer ??? Assistance to further development of the EUNIS system to better incorporate Bern Convention and CoE issues

Distribution maps for species and habitats

Websites to open during presentation

Thank you very much

N2000 and Emerald Implementation

Area Statistics (Km²) EU-27 (Natura2000): 4.325.675 Emerald (21 countries): 7.649.605 ENP: 4.991.251 West-Balkan: 264.373 Others: (CH, IS, NO, MA, TN, TR, etc.) 2.393.981 Source for Area: Wikipedia

Number of Res. 6 Species and Res. 4 Habitats per country Total* Taxonomic group AM AZ GE BY MD RU UA 683 Plants 7 10 12 19 90 49 29 Amphibians 1 2 3 4 208 Birds 118 119 112 73 51 146 110 79 Fish 5 8 17 138 Invertebrates 24 60 25 63 Mammals 15 18 35 23 30 Reptiles 6   Species Total: 155 168 160 143 83 359 232 179 Habitats, Res. 4 16 32 93 98 * Total number of species or habitats within the annexes and resolutions

The Emerald Network coverage (2011) Country Number of sites Total AREA (ha) % country coverage Albania1 25 522 430,00 18,20 Armenia² 9 228 814,28 7,68 Azerbaijan² 10 992 515,42 11,46 Belarus² 12 912 241,00 4,39 Bosnia-Herzegovina1 29 250 455,00 4,90 Croatia1,4 957 2 666 762,00 38,70 FYR of Macedonia1 35 754 383,00 29,30 Georgia² 20 586 831,50 8,42 Moldova² 17 414 230,00 12,24 Montenegro1 32 240 077,00 17,10 Morocco3 11 572 820,00 1,28 Norway3 93 3 350 369,00 8,69 Russia² 740 28 225 414,30 7,13 Serbia1 61 1 021 078,00 11,60 Switzerland3 37 64 216,00 1,55 Ukraine² 151 4 329 081,61 7,20