Adult Services Role in Tackling Childhood Neglect Emirates Arena March 1st 2017
Introduction to the Event Welcome and Background Colin Anderson Independent Chair Glasgow CPC
Glasgow CPCs Vision “Glasgow’s children have a right to feel safe and be protected, all services have a responsibility to ensure children are safe and their needs met. Services will work in partnership with children and their families and communities wherever possible to achieve this”. The CPC have a responsibility to improve co-operation between agencies in Glasgow in their work to protect children and To enhance the development and delivery of services in Glasgow. Neglect is a priority area of work for the CPC, but Children’s Services alone cannot fully protect and support children Today’s seminar is to reinforce the critical role of adult services in contributing to the protection of children from neglect
The session will provide information, and highlight a case example Main message. Threshold for intervention in neglect cases, is assessing accumulated information. The critical piece of information may be your bit of information. Acknowledge adult services may not see the child in the situation. Important to consider the impact of why you are involved with an adult, on a child they are caring for
Child Protection Register – 30 January 2017 currently 511 children on the child protection register 254 (50%) female, 238 male (47%), 13 (25%) unborn and 6 (1%) not indicated 234 (46%) aged zero to four years, 190 (37%) five to eleven years, 77 (15%) twelve to fifteen years and 10 (2%) over fifteen years 169 (33%) children were registered because of domestic abuse, 163 (32%) neglect, 134 (26%) non-engaging family, 74 (14%) physical abuse, 71 (14%) parental drug misuse, 61 (12%) parental alcohol misuse, 59 (12%) parental mental health problems and 42 (8%) sexual abuse 155 (30%) children have been on the register for up to three months, 100 (20%) four to six months, 80 (16%) seven to nine months, 59 (12%) ten to twelve months, 87 (17%) over a year and up to two years and 30 (6%) over two years 387() have a gp 106 (21%) are looked after
total of 5,875 registrations over ten years an average of 587 a year or 49 a month or 11.3 a week 600 registrations in yr 2016; 151 (25%) in south, 193 (32%) in north west and 256 (43%) in north east
number of registrations “as at” ranged from 80 in south (2009) to 228 in north east (2014) with the exception of yr 2011, north east had the highest number of registrations “as at” across the ten years being examined as at dec 31st 2016, north east accounted for 44% (227) of all child protection registrations, north west 32% (163), south 24% (121)
Reasons for Registration 169 (33%) children were registered because of domestic abuse, 163 (32%) neglect, 134 (26%) non-engaging family, 74 (14%) physical abuse, 71 (14%) parental drug misuse, 61 (12%) parental alcohol misuse, 59 (12%) parental mental health problems and 42 (8%) sexual abuse