School Library Services 21


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Presentation transcript:

School Library Services 21 Building a 21st Century Library Program

Professional Development Session 3 Nuts & Bolts: The Practical Side of Library Programs

Keep this question in mind as we go through the day --- Please read “Things That Keep Us Up at Night” by Joyce Valenza and Doug Johnson Do we want to keep this or toss it? Keep this question in mind as we go through the day --- How do the issues raised in this article impact collection development, your approach to reading motivation and a 21st century library program?

Collection Development

Collection Development Needs Assessment Weeding Collection Development Policy Challenged Materials Selection Tools Purchasing

Conduct a Needs Assessment Purpose of the collection Use of the collection – Destiny reports Alignment with school curriculum Interest Appropriate Needs of the school community Age of the collection – Titlewise

Weeding M = Misleading; factually inaccurate U = Ugly; book is worn and torn, in disrepair S = Superseded by a newer edition (think of almanacs, etc.) T = Trivial; of no real discernable value I = Irrelevant to the needs and interests of your community E = Elsewhere available

What to do with those discards Do make sure you read the donation policy – often these organizations want books in good condition – “gently used” and have cut off copyright dates. Better World Books We-Accept-m-11.aspx International Book Project Book Ends Book Ends provides books to inner-city schools, youth centers, homeless shelters, family literacy centers, after-school enrichments programs, children's group homes and juvenile detention facilities.

Challenged Materials Instructional materials in classroom vs. library materials Defined process helps during a crisis Have evidence (i.e. professional review, curriculum, etc.) to back up purchasing decisions Review ALA Intellectual Freedom Toolkits and AASL’s Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights

Collection Development Policy Protects against challenges Provides framework for developing a quality collection Purchases based on sound professional reviews or professional recommendations Add link to policy in Handbook

Selection Tools Magazines and Journals – (including many features available via e-mail) School Library Journal, Horn Book, Booklink, VOYA, Booklist, etc. Specialized Reviewing Sources NCTE, NCST, NCTSS, Wilson’s, etc. Bank Street’s Best Children’s Books of the Year American Association of School Librarians Association for Library Services to Children Public library book lists

Ordering with Books in Print 2.0 NEW ordering procedure and tools for library personnel to build collection lists and place orders. Signing in

Setting Up Your Specs

Sample Searches

Subject search for high school

Scroll down on right to Dewey # and select 973.7

Access reviews

Add title by . . .

Creating a new list

New list

“Civil War” list

Go back using “bread crumbs” NOT the back button

Who are the contracted library material jobbers?

Who are contracted sole source vendors? Examples:

Periodicals and Databases In order to use the 0338 budget code for non-contracted library procurements of magazines and databases schools should use the following purchasing options:   Micro Purchase/No Bid: Purchases $250.00 or less when procuring Magazines and or databases for the School’s Central Library only. Simplified Procurement/3 Proposals (Telephone Quotes): Purchases from $250.01 - $5,000.00 of magazines and or databases for the School’s Central Library only Simplified Procurement/3 Proposals (Written Quotes): Purchases from $5,000.01 - $15,000.00 of magazines and/or databases for the School’s Central Library only. Sole Vendor: This procurement method should be used only when the procured item(s) is/are unique and proprietary to the vendor. Items procured using the Sole Vendor method cannot be available in the open market.

Library and Reference Materials Budget Quick Code___________ Total Budget____________ Library and Reference Materials Object Code Budget Actual Difference ($) Books 338 $ 1,000 $ 997 $ (3) Periodicals 250 231 (19) Electronic Subscription Databases 199 1,250 - Total Expenses   $ 2,500 $ 2,478 $ (22) Activity: Your annual library allocation is $2,500. How will you spend your annual budget? First, create an annual budget of expenditures. Then develop a list in Books in Print 2.0 using the collection development tools we reviewed.

Enjoy your lunch!

Reading Motivation What is reading motivation? How is it different from reading instruction? What is the special role of the library program and the librarian?

National Center for Education Statistics “Reading ability is positively correlated with the extent to which students read recreationally.” National Center for Education Statistics

Reluctant Readers say: "I don't read because it is boring." --boy, age 15 “I usually don't read because it gives me headaches trying to focus my eyes on the words.” ­–boy, age 14 “I don't really have time to read during school days and I don't really know which books are worth reading.” ­–girl, age 15 Adapted from Power Point presented by Patrick Jones at AASL 2005

What attracts reluctant readers? Non-fiction (especially boys) Graphics White space Freedom of choice Thin (no page number requirements) Audio books Magazines Online format Web 2.0 – Social networking

Online Book sites Graphic Novels Magazines Teaching Books

Reading issues to consider: Gender English Language Learners Reader Behavior Teacher Behavior Technology School Climate Skill Development Confidence Adapted from Reading and the Secondary School Library Program by Pam Berger, 2008

Reflect: What are the common elements present among all of the reading issues? What common strategies can be used to address these issues? What is the librarian’s role in addressing these issues?

Your Task: Choose an issue: Gender, ELL, Reader Behavior, Teacher Behavior, Technology, School Climate, Skill Development, Confidence Discuss (in your group) What is the reading issue? What strategies/methods have worked? Brainstorm new strategies What is the role of the librarian in addressing the issue? One person from each table share out. Berger, 2008

Reading Motivation Techniques Take various forms . . . Whole school Small group Individual

Reading motivation techniques - Whole school: Contests Competitions Student reviews Author visits Celebrations Displays Partnering with your public library Book Fairs

Reading motivation techniques – Small group oriented: Booktalks Book clubs Readers’ theater Puppets

Reading motivation techniques – Aimed at individual student: Spur of the moment (fly-by booktalks) Connecting YA book to classic title Next in series advice “If you liked this, you might like . . .” Movie to book connection Links in PortaPortal lead to sites that give book lists based on the above criteria plus many more. There are links on the PortaPortal to sites that list books in these many ways. The links are under the “Booklists” subject heading.

Reading and Technology Engages students Brings library program into 21st Century Utilizes need of students to be social, to connect to peers Helps create community

Reading and Technology Wikis Blogs Podcasts Audio books Wordle Comix eBooks

Reading and Technology Book trailers Shared book reviews (Shelfari, etc.) Author motivational sites

Wikis Free Wiki programs: Teacher’s Guide to Wikis Collaborative Editable Easy to set up and use Can trace contributions Free Wiki programs:

Blogs Why Let Our Students blog Free Blog-hosting Sites Better than a book report A running commentary More personal than a book report Self-expression Real-life writing experience Free Blog-hosting Sites WordPress Blogger

Podcasts Podcasting sites Collaborative podcasting Collaborative podcasting m/Library

Audio Books Support different learning modalities Allow challenged readers to participate Help English Language Learners with English

Wordle and Comic Creators A fun way to provoke thinking outside of the box Accentuates frequent words (concepts?) A different way to arrange a presentation Comic Creators Students create own comic strip Another way to do a final project Comix: TOONDOO: Professor Garfield:

Book Trailers Book Trailers: YouTube Book Trailers Digital Book Talk (University of Central Florida) One True Media w_shared?p=7e2298c79f1fbe0c280791

Shared Book Reviews Book Hive: TeenReads: Shelfari GoodReads

Reading Motivational Sites Guys Read: Read Kiddo Read: You Are What You Read

Things to consider when planning reading motivation activities: Who is the target audience and what are the reading issues that need to be addressed? What kind of activity? How does this activity connect with what’s currently going on in the school? What are the materials that you need?

Things to consider when planning reading motivation activities: Estimated cost (if any)? Where will the money come from? Who are the other key players involved in rolling this activity out? What impact do you expect to see and how will you measure it? How will you “brand it” or make it stick? Tween to Teen New Yorkers Read

The PortaPortal has many helpful sites for reading motivation:

Reading Motivation Activity: Plan two reading motivational activities: 1. Plan a small group activity 2. Plan a school-wide campaign Integrate some use of technology into each of the activities Use this time to explore the sites I have introduced you to Share with group

And this means teachers will have to stretch as well! Today’s students need to go beyond the traditional information literacy skills. And this means teachers will have to stretch as well!

Is the time right for you? May not be ready right now But need to know what is out there Don’t plunge ahead just to be ahead But do think about how you could use one of these techniques to teach better Start slowly; choose one When have reached comfort level on one, consider another technique

Thanks for coming… See you March 30th! Please make sure to schedule a visit. Don’t hesitate to e-mail me with questions. Use NYCSLIST to request help from your colleagues and share information. See you March 30th!