Do Now: What is a telegram? Learning Target: I can decode a telegraphic message to enhance my understanding of a threat to the United States during World War I. Do Now: What is a telegram?
Lusitania Summary British ship sunk by German U-Boat 128 Americans killed U.S. decided to remain neutral after sinking of Lusitania
Telegram & Telegraph Telegram a message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form. Telegraph a system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.
Activity Read the Zimmerman Telegram Summarize the three main points stated in the telegram between Germany and Mexico
Zimmermann Telegram Telegram sent by Germans to Mexico that was intercepted by the British. Told Mexico to do the following if U.S. entered the war: form a secret wartime alliance with Germany Germany will provide military and financial support for a Mexican attack on the U.S., Mexico would be free to annex “lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.” Also, Von Eckardt was told to use the Mexicans as a go- between to entice the Japanese Empire to join the German cause.
Summary Question Based on the Zimmermann Telegram, should the United States enter WWI? Cite evidence to support your answer.
Result of Zimmermann Telegram Based on the events of the sinking of the Lusitania and now the Zimmermann Telegram, the United States is now going to enter WWI.
Activity With your group, work to decode the message using the grid and message provided. Complete for homework, first person to show me completed decoded message gets 3 points on next test
Homework Answer the following question What role did the Zimmerman Telegram play in the United States entrance into World War I? Decode message for extra credit first two people to show me correct message gets 3 points on next test
Decoded Message February 22, 1917 To: von Eckhardt Mexico City British crack top secret code. U.S. press may leak German plot with Mexico. Prepare to leave embassy on short notice. Bernstorff Washington, D.C
Essential Question What role did the Zimmerman Telegram play in the United States entrance into World War I?