Safe at Home Review What did we learn this year? I will not play with matches and lighters
We learned that it takes three things to start a fire Heat - or something that is hot Fuel - or something that will burn Oxygen - or the air all around us
When a fire fighter puts water on a fire, he cools it - removing the heat source Fuel - or something that will burn Oxygen - or the air all around us
When you stop putting wood on a campfire, you remove the fuel. Heat - or something that is hot Oxygen - or the air all around us
When you stop, drop and roll, you take away the oxygen and smother the fire Heat - or something that is hot Fuel - or something that will burn
We learned that most people who die in fires don’t die from the flames They die from lack of oxygen (suffocation) –fire eats all of the oxygen –the bigger the fire - the more oxygen it takes from us They die from the heat –fire gets very hot, very quickly –the more fuel a fire has, the hotter it gets They die from breathing the smoke –things that burn cause toxic (poison) smoke »furniture »carpeting »wallpaper »curtains
We learned that there are three degrees of burns that tell us how serious our burn is: –First Degree causes redness of the skin and is the least serious –Second Degree causes red, blistered skin –Third Degree worst burn and causes white or charred skin
It is important to treat your burn correctly, no matter what degree it is –Cool the burned area with cool water for at least 10 minutes Never put butter or ice on your burn –the doctor will give you something if needed –Tell an adult right away –Seek medical treatment, if necessary
We learned that there are 6 different types of burns –flame - caused when clothing ignites from heat or open flame sources –scald - caused by hot water, steam or food or liquids
–Electrical - caused by frayed electrical cords, electrical outlets or high tension wires –Sun - caused by too much exposure to the sun or tanning booths We learned that there are 6 different types of burns
–Contact - caused by touching hot surfaces –Chemical - caused by bleach, drain cleaner or other household cleaning products We learned that there are 6 different types of burns
–Not play with matches, lighters, or any other open flames –Stay away from hot liquids –Never touch space heaters, wood stoves or fireplaces –Never touch appliances irons or toasters –Use sun screen when outdoors –Do not touch cleaning liquids –Do not play with extension cords or electrical plugs What are some of the ways we can avoid getting burned
We learned that the holidays are a time for special fire prevention practices because: We learned that we can keep our holidays safer by: –we have so many decorations made of paper and other flammable materials –we use more electricity with our lights and trees –we have company and family around, so we cook more –we dress up in costumes
Keeping decorations away from open flames and other heat sources
Checking lights for frayed cords and broken plugs before we use them on our trees, windows or outside
Placing our tree in a safe location away from heat sources, keeping it watered and keeping gifts away from lights
Staying out of the kitchen when mom or dad is cooking
Staying away from fireworks
We learned that cooking is the number one cause of fires and fire related injuries and deaths in the United States
We also learned that scald and contact burns happen the most often in kitchens –Scald burns are caused by hot water, steam or food or liquids from the microwave –Contact burns are caused by touching something hot like a stove, microwave or other small appliance
We can avoid being burned by: –Staying out of the kitchen when someone is cooking –Not reaching for anything on the stove or in the oven –Not carrying hot liquids around –Keeping appliance cords rolled up and not dangling over the edge of counters or tables –Not storing anything in cupboards over the stove –Not storing grease or oil around the stove or in the oven
We learned that we can keep our homes safer from fires by conducting home fire hazard inspections to find the things that could cause a fire - and then correct them immediately!
We learned that some of the most common causes of fires in homes are: –Careless use of smoking materials –Children playing with matches and lighters –Cooking left unattended on the stove –Overloaded electrical outlets –Improper use of heating equipment –Unattended candles
We learned that by keeping the heat sources away from the fuel sources, we can prevent a fire from happening in our homes
We learned how to stay safe from fire when we are camping or doing something outdoors
When we have campfires or bonfires, we should make sure that –The fire is in a dirt pit, surrounded by rocks or in other designated areas –It is clear of leaves and trash that can burn and spread the fire –We never use gasoline or kerosene to start or rekindle the fire
We also learned that when cooking over an open fire: –Only adults should cook over an open fire –Do not wear loose-fitting clothing –Use long handled utensils or sticks when roasting hotdogs or marshmallows - and only under adult supervision –Don’t throw anything into the fire
We learned that when we go camping: –Make sure tents and sleeping bags have a “flame retardant” tag on them –Never use candles or other open flames in or around the tent or sleeping bag use only battery operated flashlights or lanterns –Keep the tent and campfire a safe distance apart
We learned that there are no safe fireworks: –Fireworks cause very serious burns and injuries –Many fireworks are not legal to have in Michigan –If you use legal fireworks, like sparklers, make sure an adult is present
We learned that fire is: –Very hot –Very fast –Very dark with toxic smoke –PREVENTABLE through home fire hazard inspections
We learned that every home should have at least one smoke alarm on every level: –Test them every month –Change the battery twice each year Beep –If our smoke alarm sounds get out immediately go to your meeting place and call from outside
We learned that everyone in the home should know two ways out of every room –If your two exits are the door and the window, and the door is hot, go the window –If the window is too high up to go out safely, open it and yell for help if smoke comes in, close it immediately use a towel or flashlight to signal for help
We learned that you should close doors as you leave your house –Smoke and fire moves very fast and uses all of the oxygen –Closing doors shuts off the oxygen supply and helps slow the smoke and fire
We learned that once outside, go to your meeting place –So your mom or dad can find you –Make sure everyone got out so you can tell the fire fighters when they come
We learned that it is VERY important to practice your escape plans because: –Make sure your doors and windows open easily –Make sure all of your exits are not blocked and easy to access –Make sure everyone understands what to do in a fire emergency