WG 3 : Cavity Data Banks 9:00 ~ 10:30 Session-I 4 Talks


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Presentation transcript:

WG 3 : Cavity Data Banks 9:00 ~ 10:30 Session-I 4 Talks Convener: P.D. Gall (DESY), E. Harms (FNAL), E. Kako (KEK) Load: Review existing data banks (DESY and Jlab), recommend content and software approach, aim for easy comparison. 9:00 ~ 10:30 Session-I 4 Talks Coffee Break (30’) 11:00 ~ 12:30 Session-II 4 Talks and Discussion TTC Meeting at DESY

Session-I : Existing Cavity Database 9:05 Cavity database at DESY ; structure – status - future      (25’) V. Gubarev (DESY) 9:30 Experience with cold test data analysis using the DESY cavity data base     (15’) D. Reschke (DESY) 9:45 Experience with the cavity database in respect with analyzing the data     (15’) A. Matheisen (DESY) 10:00 Cavity database at JLab - structure, status and experience ; Pansophy      (30’)  TBD (JLab) for C. Reece (JLab) TTC Meeting at DESY

Session-II : Future Plan of Cavity Database 11:00 Cavity database, status and plan at FNAL      (20’) E. Harms (FNAL) 11:20 Cavity database, status and plan at KEK       (10’) E. Kako (KEK) 11:30 Comment on Cavity database at Cornell      (5’) H. Padamsee (Cornell) 11:35 Global cavity data analysis based on the database (25’) TBD for C. Ginsburg (FNAL) 12:00 ~ 12:30 Discussion of each database      (30’) Lead by E. Harms (FNAL) Recommend content and Software approach, Aim for easy comparison. TTC Meeting at DESY