Mitochondria The energy producing sites in the cell where respiration takes place In plant and animal cells Called the “powerhouse” Color red
Cytoplasm The gel-like fluid inside of the cell made mostly of water Other organelles float and move around in the cytoplasm In plant cells and animal cells Leave white
Endoplasmic Reticulum A series of folded membranes in which materials can be processed and moved around within the cell Both Plant and Animal cells Color: orange
Nucleus Contains the genetic material (DNA) and is the control center of the cell In plant and animal cells Color purple
Vacuole Act as a temporary storage center Some store water; others store waste products until they can be eliminated from the cell In plant cells and some animal cells Color blue
Ribosomes Small structures that make proteins Both Plant and Animal cells Color: brown
Golgi Bodies Stacked, flattened membranes that sort proteins and package them into vesicles to deliver to the cell Both Plant and Animal Cell Color: dark green
Lysosomes Organelles that contain digestive chemicals that help break down food molecules, wastes, and worn out cell parts. In Plant and Animal Cells Color: Pink
Cell Membrane The thin, flexible outer covering of a cell that controls what enters and leaves a cell In both plant and animal cells Color yellow
Cell Wall Provides support and shape Made mostly of cellulose Is tough and stiff In PLANTS ONLY! Color BLACK
Chloroplasts Where photosynthesis takes place, Contains Chlorophyll (green pigment) used to make food PLANT CELL only! Color green