Agenda 2/22 Go over comparison of objects w/s Density Notes Exit Slip
What is Density? The ratio between mass and volume or mass per unit volume. (g/mL or g/cm3) It is a measure of how much stuff an object has in a unit volume (cubic meter or cubic centimeter). Describes how tightly packed together atoms are in different materials.
What is density? Something with a large density has a lot of mass contained in a unit volume Something with a small density has less mass contained in a unit volume What about two identical suitcases?
Heavier substance has heavier atoms Heavier substance has atoms that are more tightly packed
Which is more DENSE? Golf ball or a ping pong ball They are the same SIZE, SHAPE, COLOR, VOLUME
So, what is the relationship between mass and volume? DENSITY! How much “stuff” is packed into a given space. It’s the “mass per volume”
What is Density? Density is a Characteristic property of matter. It will always be the same for a kind of matter regardless of shape or size. Describes how tightly packed together atoms are in different materials.
Consider the diagram above. Which circle, A and B, is more dense? If you said A, YOU’RE CORRECT! Since A has more particles (mass) in the same volume as B, A would be more dense.
Heavy vs. Light Many times when we talk about things being heavy or light what we are really talking about density. The reason things are “heavy” is because it has a high density and has a greater mass than expected for its volume.
Sinking vs. Floating Matter that floats has a lighter density than the substance it is in Matter that sinks has a greater density than the substance it is in
Shortcomings of Volume
Cork contains air space and it floats in water making it difficult to find its correct volume. So, how would you overcome this??
Exit Slip 2/22 Is it possible for two objects to have the same volume and different masses? Why or why not?