Bell Ringer: What do you want from a job?
KEY QUESTIONS FOR TODAY Is it important to do well in high school? What is “successful” in high school? How can I be successful in high school? What is my personality type and what careers may match that?
Flow Chart of 4-year Planning Add names and username/passwords to each 4 year plan Look for 12 grade students in each period SH to help out Ask Jena for additional day-I can “sub” for her
Research by Achieve, ACT, and others High School College Readiness & Career Readiness The knowledge, skills, and habits that make you successful in high school are the same that will make you successful in college, careers and life! Bell Ringer question: What do YOU want out of a job? Pays enough money to support a family well above the poverty level Provides benefits (health, dental, retirement, etc.) Offers clear pathways for career advancement through further education and training Research by Achieve, ACT, and others
Pyramid of Life Success So high school success leads to college success which leads to career success! $ and happiness College/Post HS Ed Specialized training for your career High School Foundational hatbits, skills and knowledge needed for college – success here dictates future success
HOW MUCH MONEY IS ENOUGH? (and is college needed to make that much) How much money you want to make in a year? MONEY: IS COLLEGE NEEDED? HOW MUCH EDUCATION DO YOU THINK IS NEEDED FOR A SPECIFIC ANNUAL SALARY? Look here:
HOW TO GET THAT JOB: FIRST - HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEER/WORK EXPERIENCE You do not really KNOW a job unless you try it! CHALLENGING HIGH SCHOOL COURSES What are challenging high school courses? Regents/local diploma (okay) Advanced Regents diploma (better & expected at 4-year SUNY schools) Advanced Regents diploma with University Level Classes including Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics (best)
HOW TO GET THAT JOB: FIRST - HIGH SCHOOL 3) DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS a. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Regents Diploma Advanced Regents Diploma English 4 Social Studies Science 3 Mathematics Physical Education 2 Visual Arts/Music 1 Health .5 Foreign Language 3 (or art/tech sequence) 22 Credits Minimum for Both Diplomas
HOW TO GET THAT JOB: FIRST - HIGH SCHOOL b. REGENTS EXAM REQUIREMENTS Regents Diploma Advanced Regents Diploma English English 11 Social Studies Global II, US History Science 1 Science (ES or Bio, but Oxford students WILL take both anyway) 2 Science ( 2 of ES, Bio, Chem or Physics) Mathematics 1 Math (usually alg) 3 Math (alg, geo, trig) Foreign Language Pass Local Exam (No Regents) Total At Least 5 Regents Exams At Least 8 Regents Exams
HOW TO GET THAT JOB: FIRST - HIGH SCHOOL 4) SUCCESS IN HIGH SCHOOL COURSES What is considered “success” in HS courses? Generally 85% or higher in classes is considered good What do SUNY colleges think is “successful” in 2013 SUNY Albany (GPA 88-94) SUNY Binghamton (GPA 91-97) SUNY Oneonta/Cortland (GPA 88-94) Morrisville State-2 year College (GPA 78-86)
How do you do well in your classes? (What other students say!!!!!!) Prioritize and set time aside for academics Get homework done nightly Use class time appropriately Stay focused in class – take notes; it helps! Hand in work on time Be organized – use your planner Don’t rely on extra-credit Know that your teachers care Ask questions!!!! And ask for help!!!! THESE HABITS, IF YOU START NOW, WILL MAKE COLLEGE EASIER!!!!!
Next Step Look up, write down (section D), and save 3 possible careers from Career Connections Look up careers of interest at: - use cheat sheet Example: Veterinary Technician Fill out sections A-C on your Career Plan: (follow example)
THE END ????Questions????? You keep career conn. “cheat sheet”. I’ll collect 4-year plan for later. If you want a copy, come see me!