EPS Presentation: Benchmark Literacy November 8, 2017
Program Selection Summer 2016 Began research of RELA programs Fall 2016 Develop program selection background Initial program presentations and discussions to ELA Core Team Plan foundational professional development Review and align current assessments to guide program assessment selection Winter 2017 Kindergarten selection of pilot program Program Presentations to entire staff Program feedback from staff Professional Development - LETRS, Probst & Beers (Notice and Note), & TDQ (Fisher and Frey) 1 . Eddie Frasca Stuart 2. RELA council meetings Test Prep - Coach books, Texts for Close Reading, LinkIt! (TDQ, Focus Skill/Lesson and Theme Assessments) Christina
Program Selection Spring 2017 ELA Core Team review current curriculum strengths and needs to inform selection Follow-up discussions and research from the ELA Core Team Kindergarten training and implementation of pilot program ELA Core Team review results from follow-up discussions and research, then identify pilot details for program selection: Benchmark Literacy Present pilot selection to EPS: Benchmark Literacy Fall 2017 - Pilot staff training in Benchmark Literacy and Benchmark Universe - Pilot implementation - Pilot staff program survey Research including emails to program presenters and into Fountas & Pinnell reading program (too new, not available). Compared programs based upon the following components: Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Motivation, Assessment, Curricular connections: Science, Social Studies, Quality of Authentic Literature, Compatibility with Units of Study in Writing (Calkins) Christina
Program Strengths According to staff survey: Metacognitive and comprehension strategies (for before, during and after reading) Gradual Release Model/Strong instructional strategies Strong scope and sequence structure First 30 day routine Speech standard – usually forgotten and brought in Similar to Making Meaning with great comprehension strategies Ability to buy separate components with flexibility to choose what is needed (customizable) Technology Reader’s theater with different levels Breadth of Nonfiction Phonics quick checks
Program Strengths (cont.) Close reading starting in kindergarten Writing to Sources - TDA and short response in relation to texts Easy to follow - support for new teachers, enough flexibility for experienced Texts are motivating, meaningful and attractive Social studies and science connected to cross-curricular areas Different level assessments Reading journal connected to texts Assessments students and standards based Running records available for all reading materials Highly preferred by Special Ed, Title 1, ESL Prompts are available with reading materials that are Informational, Narrative, and Opinion Grammar scope and sequence is in reading materials
Implementation of Benchmark Literacy Pilot 1st quarter of 2017-2018 school year 21 teachers (7 each at DN, Tin, Spr) At least 1 teacher per grade level per building First 30 days Units 1 & 2 (3 weeks per unit) Survey of piloting teachers (October 2017)
Instructional Framework “First 30 Days” Foundational skills to set up routines and expectations (i.e. how to choose a book, how to discuss literature with a partner, literary elements, etc.) Different based on classroom/developmental needs 10 Units 3 weeks each 1 metacognitive strategy & 1 comprehension strategy per unit (Asking Questions & Main Idea and Details) K-5 focus on same strategies simultaneously Gradual release model (“I do, we do, you do”) Read Aloud (10-15 minutes) Mini Lesson (20 minutes) Word Study/Phonics/Activities (20 minutes) Small Group Instruction (40-60 minutes)
Instructional Components Read aloud from classroom collection Mini-lessons Big Books (Grades K-2) Posters (Grades K-5) Word Study (3-5) 32 Units Cards for word sorting Black Line Masters for in class or at home practice Fundations (K-2) Letter-sound relationships for recognition and handwriting
Instructional Components (cont.) - Small Group Instruction - Guided reading books - Sets of 6 - Variety of genres and reading levels - Accompanied with teacher’s guides with options for instruction - Genre-based texts (2 levels) *Benchmark Universe- All components are available online for teachers and students
BL Survey Results (October 2017) 18 respondents Equal representation across 3 elementary buildings 83% of respondents find that BL is more aligned to PA Core Standards than the previous program 15/18- prefer to move forward with Benchmark 2/18- indecisive (“more time needed”) 1/18- prefer Storytown
BL Survey Results (cont.) Includes multiple instructional components to teach literary elements More rigor than previous program Good online resources More nonfiction available Introducing literary language and text-dependent analysis in kindergarten builds a good foundation Assessments are much more rigorous, but good practice for state testing Has been a challenge for some grades because the program assumes specific foundational skills (will change as students move through) There is a need for more explicit grammar instruction
Next Steps Tonight we are seeking Committee approval to move to the full Board to approve the adoption of the Benchmark Literacy as the ELA program for Palisades elementary schools. Additional training will be provided for teachers not currently in the pilot, as well as a refresher for all elementary teachers. Ongoing review will take place this school year in order to better understand the components of the program that will best facilitate student learning and growth.
Thank you! Dr. Michael Donnelly - mdonnelly@palisadessd.org Christina Crews - ccrews@palisadessd.org Kate Rabi - krabi@palisadessd.org