Welcome to Kindergarten
A Day in the life of a Kindergartener
Arrival Children arrive, unpack, put lunchbox in the bucket, put folder in the basket. 7:20-7:40 Has been designated as a STEM activity time, schoolwide. This allows your child to relax and slowly adjust to his/her school day.
Calendar Morning Meeting and Calendar Time Greetings Share time Days of the week, counting, place value, number order, one to one correspondence .
Tier Time This time is designed for individualized phonics/reading skills practice. letter/sounds color words sight words Number words Poem of the Week
Reader’s Workshop: We focus on story elements, comprehension of stories, independent reading, partner reading and small group work. Writer’s Workshop: A mini lesson on writing/modeling, then students have a chance to practice with guidance and independently.
Recess: 10:25-10:55 We go to the playground daily Recess: 10:25-10:55 We go to the playground daily. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. Lunch: 10:55-11:25
Math Stations to practice skills. Whole group math lessons and small group instruction for each skill introduced. Math Stations to practice skills.
We go to PE everyday. Please send tennis shoes every day. AMP 1:00-1:55 We go to PE everyday. Please send tennis shoes every day. Music and Art rotate throughout the week.
Snack time-please send a healthy snack and WATER bottle daily. Problem Solving- Fluency and thinking skills
Science and Social Studies Five senses, plants, rocks, day sky, night sky My community, family
Listening and speaking – children will be asked to listen attentively to a variety of literature. They will participate in poems, stories and songs. The children will use oral language to present ideas, information and projects in an organized and logical sequence. Reading- The daily reading instruction consists of many elements: Read Aloud, shared reading, Guided Reading , Independent Reading, Partner reading and Phonics. Read Aloud- The teacher reads a variety of literature aloud to the class modeling appropriate reading behaviors, demonstrating reading for a purpose and promoting oral language. Shared Reading- Using enlarged text, the teacher involves the children in reading together. This demonstrates reading strategies and the process of reading, providing opportunities to behave like a reader. Guided Reading-The teacher works with a small group of children that have similar reading levels. This provides opportunities to problem solve and use reading strategies taught from shared readings. Independent Reading- Reading for pleasure and for finding information On the correct level. Partner Reading-Reading text with a friend to enhance comprehension
4. Phonics- We use Fountas and Pinnell Phonics Program 3. Writing- The daily writing instruction : Shared/Interactive Writing, Writer’s Workshop, Teacher Modeling and Independent Writing. Shared/Interactive Writing- The teacher and students work together to compose messages and stories. This builds the child’s sense of story and demonstrates how writing works. It provides opportunities to hear sounds in words and connect letters (phonics practice) and increase spelling knowledge. Writing Workshop- The children engage in writing a variety of texts. During this time writing skills are taught and practiced. Children learn to be creative writers. Independent Writing-Children are encouraged to produce independent stories. They increase their ability to write words, 4. Phonics- We use Fountas and Pinnell Phonics Program and individualize this program through our skills block in the morning, bringing focus to using these sounds to create and read words.
Calendar Math: Calendar is an important part of We are teaching children to be mathematical problem solvers and learn to use math in their daily lives. Whole Group: Introduction of concepts through manipulatives, demonstrations and interactive games on the computer. Math Stations: math tubs give the kids opportunities to practice and master math standards by exploring at a concrete level first with manipulatives and later transferring their knowledge at a more abstract level. Calendar Math: Calendar is an important part of math instruction. Estimation, measurement, number sense, patterns and relationships are introduced, practiced and mastered during this time.
The skills in these subjects are integrated through Read Alouds and practiced through Writer’s Workshop, Literacy Centers and Math Tubs. Science experiments and other thematic related skills also take place on Fridays during our Fun Friday Centers!
Kindergarten has progress reports every 3 weeks and report cards every 6 weeks. These begin the 9th week of school. Kindergartens can earn a D for developed or SD for still developing in academic areas. In the social development areas, they can earn an E=excellent, S=satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement There are many assessments throughout the year. I will keep you updated on your child’s progress and you are always welcome to conference with me if you have questions or concerns.
Behavior – Individualized based on your child’s teacher. Please contact your child’s teacher AND the front office with information about ride changes or absenses.