Crown-of-Thorns Star Fish By Joe Baartz Echinoderms Crown-of-Thorns Star Fish By Joe Baartz
Biological Classification The binomial name for the Crown-of-thorns starfish is called ‘Acanthaster Planci’~ Linnaeus, 1758. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Echinodermata Class: Asteroidea Order: Valvatida Family: Acanthasteridae Genus: Acanthaster Species: A. planci
Where does the Crown-of-thorns star fish live? The Crown-of-thorn star fish usually likes tropical and subtropical latitudes from the Red Sea and the east African coast across the Indian Ocean, and across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of Central America. They are found where coral reefs or hard coral are around the community.
How it feeds/What it feeds on? The adult crown-of-thorns is a carnivorous predator that usually preys on reef coral polyps. It climbs onto a section of living coral colony using the large number of tube feet on its oral surface and flexible body. It fits closely to the surface of the coral, even the complex surfaces of branching corals. It then extrudes its stomach out through its mouth over the surface to virtually its own diameter. The stomach surface secretes digestive enzymes that allow the starfish to absorb nutrients from the liquefied coral tissue.
Why it’s important to humans? The Crown-of-thorns star fish is no help to humans or anything at all. The creature is a massive issue that can not be fixed. The crown-of-thorns star fish is eating coral which is a big problem towards some beautiful reefs and sea life. The crown-of-thorns star fish is definitely not a help to humans what so ever and they should try to get rid of as many as they can before there is no sea life anymore.
Echinoderms animal phylum! Other echinoderms such as the sea urchin, sea cucumber, brittlestars and star fish are all related to this phylum. These animals are related to the crown-of-thorns star fish because they all have an unique way of living. Starfish, brittlestars and sea urchins have spiny back, but the skin of sea cucumbers is leathery. One thing in common about the echinoderms is that they all have radial symmetry. There are over 6000 species of echinoderms. All echinoderms have a chalky layer under their skin, which forms a protective armour.
What would happen if they were to disappear? If the phylum ‘echinoderms’ were to disappear the would not be much of a radical change. The only changes would be lots of species of sea life would be no longer living in the sea and would not be as pretty although, the crown-of-thorns star fish would no longer be exist which means the coral would be in good shape and would be lighting up the ocean with colour.