Expressive & reflective Culminating Writing Activities
So far in Writing 421 you have been learning how to write expressively and reflectively through assignments such as: Six Word Memoirs & Twitter Memoirs Trail in Life Biographies Watermark Events Difficult Moments Paired Writing Activity
Two Choices Your skills have been developing well enough that your teacher feels you are ready to create a cumulating activity to showcase your skills as expressive and reflective writers. You have two choices; My Dream is? Or A Treasured Object
Writing 421 What are Your Dreams?
The Importance of Dreams It is important for people to have dreams (goals, not nightmares). Students should write about their ambitions in four steps: Identify a dream you have (owning your own home someday, getting accepted to Holland College, becoming a video game programmer). Explain the dream and why it is important to you. Consider what you need to make this dream come true. What steps can you take to make it happen? What help do you need to make this dream come true? Where can you find this help? What are your closing thoughts? Reflections?
Culminating Activity: My Dreams: 2024 There is no better way to end our study of expressive and reflective writing than to have students write about their dreams. In this case, we’re going to look at our dreams ten years from now. Your dreams are your goals and your ambitions. This piece of writing asks you to describe what your dreams are, why they are important to you, and how you will go about achieving them. Keep them realistic and based on your true interests. They will be written in MLA good copy and will be between 350 and 500 words in total. Due Date: Tuesday. October 28th, 2014
A Treasured Object
When writing, consider the following: We all have treasured objects. They may not have monetary value, but they must have sentimental value. You may be nervous bringing the object to class, so you are asked to bring a picture of the object. Whatever you prefer will be fine. When writing, consider the following: How did you come to possess this object? What is the significance of this object? Why does it have special meaning to you or your family? What are your closing thoughts? Reflections? To be written in MLA format, roughly 500 words. Due Date: Tuesday, October 28th, 2014
Helpful Hints: Proofread, proofread, proofread! As this point, you have all had experience with proper MLA format – For those who need a reminder : Your Name My Name Course Name Due Date Header: Your Last Name and Page # Title Should Be Centered and Capitalized